Thrive Forward into the New Year!
December 29, 2012 -
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Happy Saturday all!
I have to admit, I’m still trying to get back into a routine after my 7 day Holiday weekend. There is one thing I probably would change if I could go back in time and that would be working out. I know I know, I’m POWERCAKES – how can I regret working out!? Well, when I smacked straight into a brick wall yesterday (not literally-but sure felt like it) I asked myself, why did I push myself with workouts while I had so many other things going on in my life during those 7 days? In all honesty, I believe in working out & the wonderful things it can do for our bodies. But, there is a time when we can actually be putting ourselves under added stress if we’re already stressed with busy & hectic (even positive stress) days. I am like the energizer bunny…it’s always GO GO GO! And guess what, I’m perfectly fine with that! But sometimes, I think I push too hard without even realizing it. I’d find myself waking up extra early just to squeeze in a workout when I hardly got 6 or 7 hours of sleep. I was sacrificing sleep in order to get in my workouts. Not because I’m workout obsessed, but, because I felt like I almost “needed” to work out since I was so out of routine. Well guess what, those decisions hit me in the face yesterday when my legs felt too heavy to move & my body felt weak. This was my sure sign that I needed a BREAK!
For a split second I felt guilty but that’s when my amazing friend Heather steps in & says,
“babe, you need to just take some time & write things down. Find you again.”
What would I do without her? She’s amazing.
& then my best friend Sarah says to me,
“Kase, you’re like the energizer bunny but sometimes those batteries need to RECHARGE.”
I can’t tell you how lucky I feel to have these amazing friends in my life to just help bring me back to where I need to be.
It’s so true though – within one week some pretty big things were going on in my life.
Family in from out of town, wedding prep, wedding, Christmas eve, Christmas…
& then bought a new car…
which I haven’t even taken the chance to let it really sink in yet!
All of these are pretty big mile stones in our lives – no wonder my body was tired.
After going to visit one of my best friends, bittie, to give her her birthday gift;
I spent last night in the living room all cuddled up next to the tree with the fireplace on accompanied by my boyfriend & mom.
This is exactly what I needed.
We ordered Mediterranean food & hung out in our slippers all night.
There’s just something about the calming feeling of being surrounded by loved ones & the warm Christmas lights on the tree that can really relax you.
Today I feel refreshed & there is no workout planned for me today.
What I am going to do though, is enjoy my night with my high school girlfriends at our annual Christmas gift exchange that we have every year since like 7th grade!
It will be another nice relaxing night followed by some hot yoga & brunch tomorrow morning with my best friend kate.
I’m craving hot yoga & this is the perfect timing to squeeze it in!
Not only is this a perfect time for hot yoga, but this is a perfect time to focus on the new year and how I plan to THRIVE FORWARD.
My girl fellow Eat Clean Diet Ambassador, Christine, & I are teaming up with VEGA and taking part in the Thrive Forward Movement.
Isn’t she adorable?
I plan on posting info to Instagram as always & you can follow along too!
So what exactly is Thrive Forward?
Thrive Forward is a program developed by Brendan Brazier (he is the formulator of Vega).
It is a FREE online guide to help you & me transform our lives through plant-based nutrition.
You obvi already know how I’ve seen amazing changes with my body on the inside from plant based nutrition.
Now, we are not saying that this is about becoming or forcing anyone to be a vegan, as you can recall in our #plantPOWER challenge –
it’s all about educating others on how they can thrive while incorporating plant based nutrition here & there to help YOU feel better!
What I love is that it’s not just DIET related – Brendan will be covering multiple topics such as workouts, sleep, stress, & energy.
I believe that finding balance with all components of well being is truly beneficial to us all!
Here is the Thrive Forward Teaser – it’s less than 2 minutes so take a peek if you’re interested!
How inspirational is that!?
I pre-registered here and received a free eBook (clean eating 101) that was e-mailed to me right away!
This is a great way for me & you to kick start the new year!
I personally have a lot of new things starting – new clients for personal training as well as getting my business up & running!
Let’s just say that I am ready to THRIVE in 2013 and I hope you’ll join me!
This is also a great way to kick start the #plantPOWER movement which will be coming to you in FEBRUARY!!!
So let’s help motivate & inspire each other into a healthier & happier year!
Are you going to join in the THRIVE FORWARD MOVEMENT?
If not, no worries! I would love to just hear your goals for the new year!!