My Story
Hi there! My name is Kasey. Welcome to my blog & thank you for stopping by!
I am a Certified Personal Trainer, Owner of True To You Fitness, Blogger, & Best Selling Author of BODYpeace with my girl Heather Waxman.
I have Bachelors Degree in Health & Physical Education and I Graduated with Honors from Slippery Rock University of PA. When it comes to food, I am a Cook, Baker, & Picture Taker!

I am a PROUD FitFluential Ambassador. I belong to a community of influential motivators to help spread the word of health & fitness!
I am married to an amazing man named Corey. He is one of the most supportive people in my life, my rock, & I am so thankful for him every single day.

I believe in being TRUE TO YOU & doing what’s best for YOUR OWN BODY. I’ve grown into this motto & live by it daily. You can find a more personal & deeper look into my story here.
I’ve always been into nutrition & athletics. My mom is a personal trainer – I guess you could say that is where my background of health comes from. My mom did everything she could when I was younger to help me make healthier choices while also enjoying balance.
Looking back, I’ve learned so much from my Mom & I’m still learning! When I was younger I wouldn’t admit it, but now I’m so thankful for the knowledge that I’ve gained from my Mom about finding a happy balance while enjoying life.
Over the last few years we’ve really combined our passions of helping others to work with each other both as a mother/daughter team and personal trainers.
So where do the “Powercakes” come from, you ask? Well, ever since I can remember my family has had huge Sunday morning breakfasts. My dad would always make pancakes before my soccer games. (I’ve played soccer since I was 8!) My mom would always ask him, “did you make them powercakes?” Which essentially was their way of sneaking healthy ingredients into our pancakes.
See, being the “healthy eater” that I was not as a child, my mom always wanted to make sure that I had some form of healthy power to give me energy to play in my soccer game! For years now I’ve called our pancakes, “powercakes“! Which really means, a very healthy pancake that gives you “power” to get through your day! I always make “powercakes” and eat them any tine of the day.
People would always ask what they were; so I’d explain to them the Powercake concept. People started to ask for the recipes; so I thought starting a website would be a great way to share them! In college is when I really found my love for working out. A few years back I made a decision to compete in a Fitness Competition.
I’ve always been a competitive person – I’ve played soccer and I ran track (triple jump and hurdles) since 7th grade. I’ve also played numerous intramural sports in college. My friend from college competed in the show the year before and I was amazed at her results. I was sold & I decided to train with her.
After months of training and “dieting”, I competed in our school’s show in the Spring.I quickly caught myself falling into an unhealthy way of living. I took the “dieting” thing too literal & was un-educated on what I was doing to my body at the time.
You can read this more personal post about “Checking Myself Before Wrecking Myself.” I was forgetting why I loved fitness in the first place & knew I had to find my passion again for doing things a healthier way.
Looking back, I was not fueling my fitness properly. I did restrict myself to get ahead and I am fully aware of that. I do not regret competing, because it led me to finding a happier balance now with fitness & nutrition. I’ve learned a lot since then and I really concentrate now on listening to my own body and giving it the nutrients it wants & needs.
You see, I listened to so many people telling me to cut things out of my diet like carrots & blueberries…
When in reality, I was just making myself more un-healthy & wasn’t listening to my own body. I was so tired of looking “healthy” on the outside; but feeling horrible on the inside.
I promised myself I wouldn’t go back to that unhealthy mind-set of eating less and working out more. I knew there was a better way to feel good, workout well, & eat to fuel while also enjoying different not so “healthy” foods as well!
I’m so glad I decided to listen to my body & give it the nutrients it needed. I’ve learned to not restrict my calories & get ahead. I’ve also learned to not do endless hours of cardio with hopes of seeing results.
I eat food that help fuel my fitness like veggies, protein, fats, (which I used to have a fear of!) fruits, & carbs. I don’t fear foods like I used to.With exception of the first show (where I was being unhealthy) I haven’t weighed myself once (unless I’m at the doctor).
I broke up with the scale & never felt better. I just use the mirror to check on my progress. I believe that you are SO MUCH MORE than a number on a scale!
Looking back on my unhealthy approach as first, I have completely changed my way of thinking when it comes to working out & refueling my body! Will I compete again? I don’t have any plans to do one again. I am now focusing on becoming a stronger athlete & “training” instead of working out to achieve something on the outside. It truly is a combination of nutrition, workouts, and enjoyment to see results & feel good on the INSIDE!
I don’t fall under any labels or categories when it comes to my eating. I used to have an unhealthy relationship with food but have been working on finding that balance to be happy & enjoy life while eating foods I want to eat. You can read more about that [here].
I believe in finding your own balanced life. I try to make the most of it with my amazing family & friends. When it comes to food, I have a passion for cooking & baking. I’ve always been happy when I’m in the kitchen.
Too often we compare ourselves to others but I think we can all work together on loving ourselves more & being ok with who we are. We have the power to control our thoughts & work on making them positive! There really is no one-size-fits-all approach to health & fitness. It’s finding what works best for you and your own body.
So, thank you for wanting to learn more about me and I look SO forward to connecting! xo
Be true to you,
xo Kasey
*All of these pictures on my site are my own. If you are going to use them or the recipes; please link them back to my page! I’m very passionate about coming up with my cooking/baking clean recipes & would appreciate receiving credit if you make these recipes!
*Also, I am NOT a doctor. These tips & recipes are based off of my OWN lifestyle & I started blogging to SHARE them with you! By no means am I telling you to live my lifestyle; just sharing my stories with you for ideas!!