Avocado Lime #POWERBOWL
May 26, 2013 -
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Hello everyone! Happy Sunday to ya Sunday’s are my favorite day – especially when the boy makes you the most perfect cup of coffee. I don’t understand what magic he has but I swear no matter how much I listen to the brewing directions on the bag –my coffee never brews the way that Corey’s does!
Today is a rest day from working out which is much needed! Yesterday after a long day, I took a 2 hour nap! Literally did not move from 5pm-7pm. I tell you what, I woke up feeling amazing! I don’t need naps as much as I used to and I truly think the food choices I make help with that. I have so much more energy! BUT this week I’ve been going to bed later than usual so my body was loving the rest last night & needs it today for sure.
I basically love everythying about sunday’s – especially a relaxing one with a yummy breakfast. There is nothing better than pairing a good cup of coffee, thanks to the boyfriend, with a [Carrot Lemon Poppy Seed Cookie] topped with raw coconut butter, banana, & a coconut nectar drizzle!
Coconut Butter Tip:
- I love to make a coconut butter “shell” by warming up some coconut butter either on a pan on a low heat stove (or in the microwave for about 30 seconds- any longer it may burn!) until melted & then pour onto the cookie, put into the freezer for a few minutes, & let it harden on top!
- It’s a delicious & nutritious addition to a #POWERbreakfast!
Anyway, as I sit here & enjoy this warm cup of coff – I wanted to share with you a new twist on my #POWERBOWL favorite that I’ve been loving lately along with some recent eats!
Yesterday morning I got up early to get in a quick workout before heading to a bridal shower. It was for Corey’s Brother Wilson’s fiancé, Jessica! Not sure if I worded that sentence right but hopefully you get the connection! Anyway, after a quick lift filled with burpee’s in between sets – I refueled with a Blueberry Chia PowerOat parfait. I made it very similar to my other chia PowerOat recipes like my Gingerbread PowerOats – I just added some blueberries in between the layers!
Fact: I love love love blueberries.
I posted this yummy pic to [instagram] & just a few hours later someone else was inspired by this to make their own! I LOVE when this happens!
Especially the red white & blue theme for memorial day weekend.
Speaking of color themes – did I mention that the Bridal shower was a PINK theme? Oh my gosh, it was so adorable! Pink filled the room & I am just waiting on some pictures from a friend of mine to recap the shower because I’m sure they will be [Pinterest] worthy
[On the right is the beautiful bride-to-be Jessica with
her fiancé Wilson (corey’s brother) & the adorable momma B (corey’s mom)]
Later on in the day I stopped by the grocery store to grab some weekend eats for the boy & I – I picked up the usual greens, veggies, fruit, & the most perfect avocados! I then saw the limes & thought – hm, avocado + lime + Powerbowl?
We all know how much I adore avocados, and anything loaded with healthy fats for that matter, so I decided to put a Mexican flavor take on my normal [Creamy Massage Kale].
Avocado Lime #POWERBOWL
- Base of greens – I probably used about 3-4 cups Kale.
- 3-4 TB Nutritional Yeast
- 1/2 of an Avocado
- Juice of 1 Lime
- 1 tsp minced garlic
- 1-2 tsp Dijon Mustard
- Any Raw Veg you’d like!
- I added red onion, raw beets, & tomatoes
- Black Bean Noodles
- (I get them at a local health food store – have yet to find them in Whole Foods)
- Ground Pepper To Taste
- Put all ingredients into a large bowl
- Get those hands in the bowl & massage it all together.
- The acid from the lime juice helps wilt the kale.
The lime & avocado combo is awesome paired with my favorite nooch! I hope you enjoy!
Most of the above ingredients can be found at www.iherb.com
with coupon code XUG228 for first time users!
Side Note: There must be something in the air because a ton of wedding stuff happened this weekend! Some CrossFit friends of mine got married (congrats Layne & Jared!), I attended the bridal shower yesterday, & one of my best friends from college, Courtney (aka Short Stack), got ENGAGED!!!!
They are just TOO adorable! Congrats to Court & Ryan – love you both!
Another announcement – my #mirrorlessmonday posts will be making an appearance again tomorrow! I am excited to bring this back & I think it goes perfectly with the #whatsbeautiful campaign that I’m working on with FitFluential & Under Armour Women.
Enjoy your Sunday!