Weekend Recap, Recent Eats, & Recipe Shout-Outs!

August 5, 2013 -
3 comments, add yours

Good morning everyone!! Hope you’re having a wonderful start to your week. I wanted to start off with sharing a beautiful picture that inspired me this weekend. Saturday night I received a text from my mom updating me about her current weekend away with some of her best friends. She sent me a picture of her best friend Kate, breast cancer survivor, doing yoga on the dock in front of them. I thought it was such a beautiful image that I couldn’t wait to share & such a meaningful quote that went perfectly with her story.


The ironic thing was that the quote came from a fortune cookie that Corey had just opened about an hour beforehand.


This weekend I was reminded to always push forward and be grateful for every day. Thank you Kate for the inspiration!


Even though I am still running around like a crazy person trying to get last minute things done before Cali, I made sure to still fit in some time with the boyfriend for a day date yesterday!


It was seriously SUCH a beautiful day yesterday for a baseball game! It wasn’t too hot or too chilly – which wouldn’t have really mattered anyway since we were legit in peanut heaven; but I almost like those seats the best because you can see everything.


Our bucco’s are currently leading the division so most have the games have been sold out! So cool to see the whole stadium so packed.


Couldn’t get away without a fish face pic with teeth boy.

*Side note story: Teeth boy nickname comes from when I first ever met Corey. I only said “hi” for like 1 second and then had to leave, but my friends & I referred to him as “teeth boy” because we remembered his awesome smile Winking smile Safe to say we reconnected a year later & that smile was the first thing I remembered. Anyway, back to our day!


I sometimes creep walk behind my boyfriend so I can snap a cool pic.
Our city is pretty beautiful if I do say so myself.

After the bucco’s won – WOO! We were starving so we headed to one of our favorite Mexican places. I was craving sea food, guac, guac, & did I say guac?


They have the best made to order guac at Mad Mex! I got a grilled mahi mahi salad with sprouts, black beans, avocado, salsa, & veggies then basically fought over the rest of the delicious guac with Corey. Love me some avocado! Corey got an enchilada that looked & was delish since I did snag a bite to taste Winking smile

Not only was I craving Mexican lately but in a attempt to clean out my iPhone pictures before I leave, I wanted I’d share with you some other #BETRUETOYOU eats I’ve been loving lately.


Julian Bakery Bread topped with avocado, red peppers, & two dippy eggs topped with dill with a side of veggies!

I’ve recently been adding in animal protein daily that I am craving and my digestion has been good with it! Again, do what works best for YOU.


Met up with my lovely Jen, who will be guest posting again soon,
for lunch and got an awesome Whole Foods lunch with lemon quinoa salad,
beets, peas, curry cauliflower, & asparagus.


Mung Bean noodles (found at a local health food store),
sundried tomatoes, roasted brussels, & organic tomato sauce.


How most of my #POWERBOWLS start: lots of colors all chopped up!


*Greens, olives, nori sheets, hemp seeds, hummus, red onion, & sweet potatoes.

Unfortunately I think I’ve developed something against sweet potatoes; the 3 days that I ate them last week, I had horrible stomach cramps directly after. Merp! I tell ya, I am a constant experiment but still listening to my body.


Also some delicious curry hummus for lunch with Jen from a few weeks ago!


As you can see, I love variety, colors, healthy fats, carbs, & proteins of all kinds! I find the more I switch it up, the better my body responds. I also am not fearing the deemed “unhealthy” foods that I used to fear. You can read more about that here! Therefore, you’ve got to find what works for you!

Speaking of being true to YOU- I love seeing all of you making some of my recipes & enjoying them! I wanted to give some deserved shout-outs and thank you’s below!


Chia Jam Filled Muffins & Plantain Flatbread


Tahini Nooch Sauce


Cherry Chocolate Chunk Single Serve Cookie


Cheesy Basil Pesto


Kattreena also made the Chocolate & Fig Cookies!


Ashley made Jicama Chips & Nut butter!


Lizzie made a beautiful #POWERBOWL

Thank you all so much for sharing your meals with me!


I’m off to get a workout in, get some errands done, & then some training sessions with clients.

Tomorrow on the blog it is TIESTA TEA TUESDAY which will include a giveaway so keep an eye out!



Red heart Kasey

What are your goals this week?

Category: beTRUEtoYOU, Blog, FitFluential, Recipe, Whats Beautiful

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3 responses to “Weekend Recap, Recent Eats, & Recipe Shout-Outs!”

  1. What a beautiful day. It’s so nice to make time for a whole date day. Sadly the bf and me have been quite busy the recent months and mostly just get together for an evening or afternoon. But I hope that we can fit in some more time soon.

  2. Alex says:

    I totally understand the whole ‘constant experiment’ notion! I feel like I am always doing the same thing… listening to my body to figure out what works and what doesn’t. It’s ever-changing! It can be frustrating and confusing, but I try to just ‘get back to the basics’ of my self-care routine. Happy to know I’m not alone 🙂 I made your plantain flatbread last week and making the vanilla chickpea donuts this week! Thanks for all of your inspiration 🙂

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