August 6, 2012 -
8 comments, add yours


legs wod

1) We did squats on the smith machine;
we put our heels really far out and with every rep pushed through the heels as much as possible!
This really targets your hamstrings! We did 20 reps with light weight.

Then we went straight into 2) Calf Raises on an elevation to really target the calves.
Every time we pressed up; we held that contraction at the top of the movement! Nice & slow! We did 20 of these.

That’s round 1- we did this combo 4 times!

Round 2; 3) One Legged Extensions; again, place your heel up high on the foot platform
4) Really push through your heels and target your hamstrings!
We did light weight and about 12-15 reps on each leg for 4 sets.

Next was 5) Seated leg extension – we did a drop set until failure! Talk about a way to get your HR up during the middle of the workout!
Start as heavy as you can go with being able to do at least 4 reps.
I started with 110. Do as many as you can and then drop down to the next weight.

Repeat this until you’re at the last plate (usually 10lbs) and rep out as many as possible!
I lost count but I believe I pushed at least 85 reps at the end!

Talk about feelin’ the burn!
Probably also helps when you have someone cheering you on the whole time!

Now not only have I been loving the new workouts;
but I’ve been obsessed with my (mostly) RAW POWERBOWL SALADS!


raw kale, cucumber, zucchini, red onion, sunflower seeds, nutritional yeast,
apple cider vinegar, pepper, watermelon, & avocado of course!! my favorite combo.

annddddd yesterday I started off my rest day with some
then for lunch I obvi had a
#powerbowl of kale, gold beets, red onion, citrus infused shrimp,
roasted plantains (from whole foods market), capers, & pepitas!

Obsessed with these shrimpies.

Citrus Infused Shrimp

1 lb of fresh or frozen shrimp
(I had frozen from whole foods)
boiled for a few minutes until lightly pink

Mix Shrimp with

Juice of 1 lemon, 1 lime, & 1 orange
1 TB raw honey
1/4 cup Olive Oil
2 tsp Cilantro
Sprinkle of Sea Salt & Pepper

Let sit covered in the fridge for at least 2 hours
so the flavors really go into the shrimp!
The Citrus will also “cook” the shrimp.

We served this on a bed of raw veggies
or raw zucchini noodles – which I’ve been loving lately!

If you haven’t noticed, I’ve been incorporating A LOT of raw veggies into my diet
& I’ve really been loving how I’m feeling!

It’s great to get as many nutrients as possible.

This spark came from some of my reads while I was at the beach;
because who doesn’t love a good book while you’re relaxing on the beach?

Basically I read a bunch of books on raw foods the benefits of them.

I’m not going 100% raw but I am trying to incorporate more raw foods
& I’ve also toned down my meat consumption because I was feeling a little inflamed
lately and I thought maybe that could be the reason; so I’m listening to my body & trying it out!

hint hint, keep an eye out for a NEW CHALLENGE in
September where I will be partnering up with my veggie girl Heather!!



Do you have a favorite RAW FOOD
or favorite leg exercise?!

Category: Blog, FitFluential, Recipe

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  1. Purely Twins says:

    oh yes love raw foods. especially raw desserts 😉

  2. That is some leg workout! Reminds me of my bodybuilding days!!! 🙂

    Love the recipes as usual. It is all about listening to what you need food & exercise wise! 🙂

  3. ohh that shrimp is def. something i will be making! so easy and i absolutely LOVE cilantro

  4. Lauren Marks says:

    Hey! Love your blog. I was curious when you said you were feeling inflamed from eating a lot of protein, do you mean you feel bloated or swollen? I kind of have the same reaction. Sometimes I think I overdo the protein because what do all the websites say about losing weight? PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN! I get really bad stomach aches/gas hehe, just curious if this happens to you, what you did to help with it and so on. Thanks!

    • Lauren- I get the same way. I consume so much protein it’s insane and i’m lucky if i don’t have “issues” (you know what i’m saying) every single day. However, I’ve read a few articles from the website Mind Body Green and they talk about how combining certain foods together can cause more irritation/bloating/gas/intestinal and gastrointestinal issues… maybe head over to their website and look around at them and maybe some of that info will help you out!

  5. Hey girl! I freaking LOVE your blog! I took a screen shot of that leg workout you posted the other day when it was on Instagram and put it in my “Workouts” album… intended on doing it today at the gym but totally forgot to- will definitely be doing it on Friday! 🙂 I want to try watermelons in my salads! Looks so good!

    My favorite leg exercise would have to be straight leg dead lifts and doing them in drop sets! I love doing them with barbells. Today I did them and stood on two stacked 45 lb plates so that I could go past my tippie toes with the weight… it felt so good! Also, I’ve been doing Curtsey Walking Lunges holding 8-10 lb dumbbells in each hand… works the inner thighs like a wonder! 🙂

  6. Jaynie says:

    I came across this workout on your blog and did it today. At first glance I thought it didn’t look tough. Boy, I was wrong. My legs are going to feel it tomorrow. Thanks for all the awesome fitness and health posts!! Love your blog!

  7. Kate says:

    Hi I love your blog. I’ve never been as into health and fitness as I am at the moment. I sell electric bikes which has really gotten me to embrace a more active lifestyle, now I see it as a hobby and I must say the hundreds of healthy lifestyle blogs I follow something about yours always makes me come back for more.

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