June 17, 2012 -
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hi all!
Hope you enjoyed my Leg Circuit Workout
Today on the blog is POWER BEVERAGES!
some of my favorites are…
PowerFusion protein drink after a workout!
or a cinnamon late
My favorite is a ACV DRINK!
my girl Electra will agree with me,
this drink is a GREAT cleansing drink for the body!
Stevia, Apple Cider Vinegar, Cinnamon & lemon juice!
I serve mine over ICE!
Talk about a cleanser!
Found this great article on Raw Apple Cider Vinegar that I wanted to share!
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is made from nutritious organically
grown apples and retains many of the fruits’
beneficial components because raw apple cider vinegar is not pasteurized.
And in its two fermentation processes, it produces enzymes and
life giving nutrients that make apple cider vinegar the powerhouse it is.
Beneficial ingredients in raw apple cider vinegar give it its power to make us feel better,
look better and feel energized. Just look at some of the beneficial ingredients in raw apple cider vinegar:
Potassium – helps to prevent brittle teeth, hair loss and runny noses.
Pectin – helps to regulate blood pressure and reduce bad cholesterol.
Malic Acid – gives ACV the properties of being anti-viral, anti-bacterial & anti-fungal.
Calcium – helps create strong bones and teeth.
Ash – gives ACV its alkaline property which aids your body in maintaining proper pH levels for a healthy alkaline state.
Acetic Acid – It appears that this acid slows the digestion of starch which can help to lower the rise in glucose that commonly occurs after meals.
A Few Benefits of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
1 tablespoon of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar mixed in 4 ounces of purified water after
a meal has been used as a natural remedy for heartburn and as a replacement for toxic heartburn medications.
Raw Apple Cider Vinegar may help improve bowel irregularity,
thereby removing toxins from the body at a faster rate.
Helps clear up skin conditions and blemishes giving a smoother texture and complexion.
Raw Apple Cider vinegar may also help with joint pain and stiffness.
Apple Cider Vinegar helps to break down fats so that your body can use them rather than store them.
For this reason, many diets include ACV in their regimen.
On a small scale, ACV was studied by researchers at Arizona State University.
The preliminary study was published in the Diabetes Care journal.
It reported that ACV helps reduce levels of glucose.
Raw organic apple cider vinegar is even good for pets.
It has been used to help control fleas and even promotes a healthy shiny coat.
So why not add some into your diet today?
Just make sure it is RAW – & not the clear kind.
If stuff is floating around in the vinegar, you’re on the right path!
What are some of your favorite POWER BEVERAGES?