Avocado & Watermelon Powerbowl on Wellness Wonderland!
July 20, 2013 -
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hi all! Hope you’re having a great start to your weekend. This morning I was able to make it to a CrossFit class. With a busier schedule now, I’ve been switching up my workouts! I make it to the gym a few days a week and some CrossFit classes 1-2 days a week. I personally like switching it up & find that I like a mix of both weight lifting, cardio, & CrossFit! It’s fun to be able to get a mix of workouts all week.
The WOD today was 3 rounds of 15 hang power cleans (I did mine at 65lbs) & 15 burpees.
Followed by some Wall Ball skill work where you work with a partner to alternate your wall balls every 5 reps. It takes good communication so that you don’t end up getting a concussion when the 14lb Wall ball comes flying down onto your face Myself & my friend neen were the 2nd team left (you got out if your ball hit the ground at any point)! Then we moved into a Team WOD that consisted of a bunch of different movements like front squats, back squats, over head squats, pull ups, & shoulder to overhead press that as a team you had to complete the given reps.
It was a lot of fun and a really great way to start my weekend! Came home to a lovely stack of POWERCAKES waiting for me in the fridge! I got up early to make them & keep them in the fridge so they would be ready for me when I came home.
Protein – check! Carbs – check! Fruit – check! Deliciousness – check!
All the important components after a workout in my opinion
If you didn’t already know, I love cold fold – especially when it’s so warm out. They totally hit the spot! I used the VEGA recipe, topped with healthy chocolate sauce, peanut fluff, & blueberries! #REFUELYOURBODY
Today I wanted to share with you one of my favorite summer salads that is being featured on my girl Katie’s Website The Wellness Wonderland!
One of my favorite all-time summer foods is Watermelon! Last year at the beach, I combined the creamy cool avocado with watermelon, pepitas, & greens with a simple dressing.
Head on over to my guest post to check out this recipe!
Enjoy your Saturday!
what’s your favorite summer fruit?