TMI Thursday & Sweet/Savory Roasted Carrots!
November 21, 2013 -
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hi all! Happy Thursday! Yet again, I am hanging at starbs before 8am with the usual crowd here. Got my early 6am spin class in along with some hamstring work. Not that spin isn’t enough of a workout – cause it is – I just like to add some strength in on the days I work my legs with spin so I don’t crush my legs like 4 days a week. If I added in “leg days” to the other days – my legs may not be too happy with me. SO it works for me! Today I did some deadlifts, hamstring curls, glute kickbacks, & bridges after class then spent a good 20 minutes on the foam roller.
Today was a SWEATY one for sure & I have to admit something that I think some of us have maybe dealt with….or maybe it’s just me? But, I swear I was sweating out garlic from yesterday. It may have been my Italian side coming out in me but I swear I could’ve basted the Thanksgiving Turkey with my sweat today.
Listen, on this blog, there is no TMI. I talk about it all! I am human after all I totally won’t make you admit below in the comments if you also sweat garlic from the day before…BUT feel free to let it out! I couldn’t help but laugh at myself and totally OWN it; with apologies to the people next to me.
Thank goodness for Under Armour towels from the NYC event & some Vanilla Bean Noel – my GO TO spray that is always with me.
Ok, so now that I’ve admitted that I currently smell like a garlic vanilla cupcake before the hours of 8am….I am pretty sure that I know what may have caused this. Enter my new Sweet & Savory Roasted Carrot Recipe!
The other day at Whole Foods I picked up some roasted veggies and carrots were involved. It totally made me start to crave roasted carrots. I am definitely one of those people that order roasted carrots at diners or the good ol’ Eat n’ Park because I like them plain or with seasonings.
I literally threw things into a big pan yesterday on the stove & was really happy with the outcome! This may even be duplicated next week for Thanksgiving – who knows!
Sweet & Savory Roasted Carrots
Serves about 4
1.5 lbs of baby carrots or large carrots chopped into small sections. (I had a big 2lb bag and saved about .5lbs for dipping into hummus)
2 TB Molasses
2 TB Garlic (the culprit! but oh so good for us)
2 TB Coconut Aminos or Soy Sauce of choice
1 tsp ground Cardamom
1 tsp ground ginger
Fact about Cardamom spice – the flavor is a peppery citrusy combo that is similar to ginger with it’s benefits! It helps with digestion, detoxification, antioxidant, & an anti-inflammatory similar to turmeric and ginger! Talk about a POWER spice.
Fact about Molasses – loaded with minerals such as Vitamin B6, potassium, calcium and iron.
Over medium heat, add garlic, coconut aminos, molasses, & spices into the pan.
Let cook together for a few minutes until the molasses gets thick & a bit bubbly.
While the seasonings blend, Chop carrots into small sections.
Add chopped carrots into the pan & heat on medium-high heat
Stir carrots to coat into molasses mixture
Cook for about 20ish minutes until carrots are tender & molasses develops a “caramelized” coating to the carrots.
Serve immediately or eat chilled – just like I do with like, every food.
Let me know if you try this out. The garlic & sweet combo was a nice sweet/savory mix that I think you’ll enjoy while also sweating out the garlic if you happen to take a spin class the next morning
You can find these above ingredients on
coupon code XUG228 for a $5-10 off coupon code for first time users!
These carrots made for a great dinner yesterday before teaching my first local Power Hour class! I’ve been teaching them at GNC on their lunch break throughout the week but this was my first one at my sister-in-laws gym in the local area.
Her and her dad developed this LEGIT jungle gym with SO many activities (insert Step Brothers voice here). We’re talkin’ TRX bands, pull up bars, monkey bars, punching bags, rings, & speed ropes! The above picture is me explaining our stations for class & how it was going down.
Here is a pic she took of me demonstrating a TRX push up with the addition of a knee drive with each movement. Make sure to keep your core tight and squeeze your legs as you lower into your push up then drive your knee forward with a tight hold. Go back to a plank then down to a push up then drive your knee again. Such a great way to add some power into a #TRX push up! I was asked to do a video so next time I’m there I can totally do that for you guys!
We dropped it low, multiple times.
I’m so proud of everyone’s hard work and I can’t wait to keep it going every Wednesday night! If you’re in the PGH area we start on Wednesday December 4th at 7pm every week! Thank you everyone for coming out last night! You all totally rocked the workout.
So pumped I got to meet some of my favorite ladies! Sarah on the left has been one of my bffs since we were 16 so I already kinda know her but Jessica on the right – we’ve been following each other on IG for a while now and it’s SO ironic because her and Sarah actually teach at the same school! Jessica was taking a picture of her lunch one day in the teacher’s lounge and Sarah was like…”how funny! My best friend always does that for her blog” and Jess goes, “Who is your best friend?!” and Sarah said my name and then the connection was made that Jess and I knew each other too! It was super meant to be since then! Crazy how life works sometimes, right?
Also shout out to Heather & Ellen – my Michigan ladies! So happy they got to have fun with us. As well as my GIRLS Sarah & Sara…we were filled with Sara(h)’s last night! And everyone else who came out – you all rock!
Now I’m off to SHOWER (I promise), get some errands done, & find a Thanksgiving outfit…I hope! I seriously haven’t shopped for “regular” clothes (aka non-workout clothes) in such a long time – I think I forget how to get to the mall
Happy Thursday & be true to you,
Have you ever had that garlic moment? #sorrynotsorry
What’s your GO TO spray fragrance of choice?
& have you ever used TRX bands? So fun!
Also don’t forget the POWERCAKES TANKS are on PREORDER until next week!