NUX USA Apparel Review & New POWER WOD!

June 5, 2013 -
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Good afternoon everyone! Hope you’re having a wonderful Wednesday. If you didn’t get a chance to check out my Amy’s Army Bootcamp Fitness Fundraiser on June 24 at 630pm- the info is in [this post]! The donations coming in & help from everyone is so amazing. The family is so appreciative!


I am currently eating the MOST AMAZING LUNCH EVER that I can’t wait to share but until then – I wanted to share with you my new favorite workout outfit! I love any type of long flowy tank top (even though the 16 year old Kasey loved everything tight tight tight!) I’ve found that when lifting or doing any type of cardio – flowy is the way to go! It gives you room to breath and also makes for a great towel of sorts for your sweaty forehead Winking smile  Through FitFluential, The lovely people at NUX USA sent me the most adorable outfit to review.

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If the package itself (which is also my favorite color) isn’t enough to entice you, the adorable notes & information that came with it would do the trick!photo 1

I was able to select two items from the NUX Collection – I chose the [ZOOM TANK] & [Core Low Rise Capri]. Basically my wardrobe in a nutshell, since my usual day to day consists of yoga pants of some sort, flowy tank, headband, & messy bun. #PersonalTrainerProblems that I am not complaining about!

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Not only does this adorable outfit work in the gym – but it was awesome to just run around & do errands in! I even met someone for a meeting wearing it (hence the starbucks bathroom selfie from above) & I felt like a total fitness professional.

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I am a sucker for a cut out back – the Zoom Tank offers coverage yet that flirty low rise feel. Perfect for showing off those guns while your mom takes your picture & makes sure you stand right in front of the plants for a great background. Good ol’ mamacakes always concerned about the ambiance! Winking smile

Another perk to this outfit is that I was completely comfortable doing a CrossFit workout in it! Good think the chalk is white or else I’d probably look like a Dalmatian in the picture below since I am usually covered from head to toe in chalk.

In honor of the new NUX USA outfit – I did the below WOD & challenge YOU to it as well!

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I didn’t put a limit on time on this workout because I wanted to do each movement correctly without sacrificing form.

10 Rounds

30 double unders
(or 60 singles)

10 Shoulder To Overhead

  • options: shoulder press, push jerk, push press using a comfortable weight for YOU.
  • I used 55lbs for this workout.
  • You can also use two dumbbells if you don’t have a barbell.

10 Deadlifts

  • I used 85lbs for this workout since I was going to be doing 100 reps but use a comfortable weight for YOU.
  • Make sure to use proper form & not pull with or round your back.
  • You could also do deadlifts with dumbbells.
  • Make sure to really set into your heels (firing up those glutes & hamstrings) & make each pull a good one.

This workout is a great mix of cardio & weight training which uses the full body to execute each movement.

If you give this NUX USA inspired workout a try – obviously let me know!
I would love to hear how you did! Winking smile

Thank you NUX USA for this awesome workout outfit!

You can find NUX USA on their social media outlets

[website], [twitter], [facebook], [instagram]

& by searching #NUXLovesCrossFit


Red heart Kasey

*I was sent this outfit from NUX USA free of charge for review purposes via FitFluential. All opinions are my own.