GymBoss Winner & Embracing My Last Day In Hawaii [Part Four Recap]
November 3, 2013 -
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Thank you to everyone who entered the Gymboss Timer Giveaway! The randomly chosen winner is Catherine. I hope these help you out with your outdoor sprints! Please e-mail me your information at
If anyone else would like to order a timer – check out this site here!
So, exactly one week ago, I woke up realizing that I was leaving later that night from Hawaii…aka paradise. I made sure to get up early & go hit the pool for a morning swim. I’ve mentioned before, I love to swim. The weather was beautiful & with a view like this, you can’t go wrong.
You can catch the other recaps here…
[Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three]
After the swim, I headed to grab some breakfast. It is true what they say…the time just seems to move slower in Hawaii & I really did feel more relaxed. I refueled, got changed, & headed to watch Stephanie (who works for Nutrex-Hawaii) play horse polo! I’ve never seen a match before.
Steph has been riding horses for years & actually owns 3 of them. They are seriously gorgeous animals – so strong!
We all wore some fun hats so we didn’t want to leave the horse out of the loop.
This was actually John’s first time being this close to horses so that was a pretty cool moment to see.
After the match, Traci & I decided to go shopping for some souvenirs aka more macadamia nuts.
These are like heaven in your mouth. Vanilla Glazed Macadamia nuts literally tasted like vanilla ice cream! Traci & I snacked on these throughout our ride back to the hotel.
This label made me laugh so I had to share. I think my high school English teacher would be cringing.
I also picked up some Mary’s Gone Crackers Super Seeds! I always get excited to see a new Mary’s product & these did not disappoint.
Traci is such a sweetheart! She found this card, said she thought of me right away, & bought it for me. How great is that quote? Be true to you, always!
Before I knew it, the day was coming close to an end and I had to catch a flight at 8pm. Traci & I met Suzy for dinner so I could get a nice meal in before the overnight flight into the mainland. I ordered a roasted beet salad with grilled shrimp & a cilantro lime vinaigrette. So good & hit the spot!
The rest of the 24 hours was basically traveling home and even though I was so bummed to leave Hawaii, it truly was an amazing trip full of education, meeting new people, enjoying new experiences, & really living in the moment.
I cannot begin to thank Nutrex-Hawaii enough for this opportunity & the hospitality throughout the whole trip. It was something I will never forget & I feel very blessed to have experienced this.
Don’t forget to take advantage of the coupon code PCNOV25 for 25% off spirulina or Astaxanthan!
Something my mom brought to my attention was how proud she was of me and I thought….why? at first. Then we talked about it and she said how I used to fear so much whenever I was a kid and dealt with so much anxiety. Over the last 10 years I have truly faced and worked through my anxieties to the point where I am able to travel & be put into brand new situations. Often times I used to fear “change” or the feeling of “losing control” and I’ve talked honestly about that in this post [here]. The Kasey 10 years ago thought she would never be able to do anything that I’ve been able to accomplish over the last years because of the anxiety I was dealing with. At a young age I really had to grow up quickly to really take charge of these feelings & know that I didn’t have to live my life afraid of things. Once I really thought about this, it really hit me & I was proud of how far I’ve truly come.
So now that I’ve had my honest hour I hope you all take some time to really live in the moment. Sometimes we just need to slow down, be on hawaiian time, & live life to the fullest.
Enjoy your day guys!
be true to you,
What is your favorite travel snack? I love trail mix…and did I mention macadamia nuts?