Eat Clean On The Go Tips…When in Rome!

March 18, 2013 -
6 comments, add yours

 Hey all! Happy Monday to ya. Hope you had a great green weekend & enjoyed my Green Recipe Round-Up!


I posted a question to Facebook asking what some of your favorite green foods were.

Totally smiled at all of your healthy favorites…

Elle even made a Shamrock Soft Serve!


I always incorporate some type of Green into my posts for the PowerbowlADay Challenge, which is going great!

Idea Fit even featured a top 5 Powerbowls post!!


Not only were powerbowls featured this weekend, but so were my tips for eating clean while on the go.

While I sit here looking out the window at freezing rain, you may sitting by the beach reading this. If you are, I am very jealous. Have you seen this awesome graphic of traveling tips from the Eat Clean Diet Team?


Myself & the other Ambassadors all contributed our tips.

You can download your own copy here.

It’s the perfect guide to eating clean while traveling!

If you check number 4, my tip was to…
“Call ahead! On my way to Rome, I called the airline to ask
for healthy gluten-free meal options and they were more than willing to provide.”

I made sure to call the airline ahead of time & request a gluten free meal. It was no problem at all & when the flight was 9 hours to Rome & 11 hours back, a nice warm gluten-free meal was key.

I also brought a lot of dried snacks like trail mix, packets

I was reminiscing through my Rome photos the other day & wanted to share a few with you.

It was the time of my life & I can’t believe it’s already been 2 years since!!


Oh ya know, just hanging by the Coliseum.





Lots of gelato was consumed. It was unreal.



Notice all of the Nutella in the back? That stuff went on everything!


No, that’s not Cousin It on the left…that would be me!

We got to tour the Olympic Stadium & take a few laps…or just pose for the picture & pretend we ran.



Such a cool experience!


The metro was somethin’ else!
I’m a girl who lives where the grass grows but is also close to a city…
so, I had to get used to having to rely on the metro to get us everywhere!

We spent a lot of time in the terminals.


We went to the top of the “Wedding Cake” building & the view was breathtaking.


This moment, while overlooking the whole city, really hit me & I realized…Wow, I’m in Rome, Italy.


We took a bunch of tours, where I remember always bringing apples & almonds in my side bag for snacks!



Not the prettiest picture, but fresh veggies were ALWAYS an option in Rome!



& The food….OH, the food.

This was tomato, basil, & fresh mozzarella with some gluten free pasta & wine! Yes, gluten free pasta in Rome! They actually have a lot of gluten free alternatives there. I printed out little index cards that read, “I am gluten free (senza glutine)” & explained everything in Italian. Since I didn’t speak Italian, I would hand these cards to the waiters & they could read them!


Again, gelato was unreal. When in Rome, right!?


By the end of our trip, we had the law enforcement on our side Winking smile

As you can see, I totally enjoyed the food, the people, the sights, & people I was with! I kept it mostly clean with eating but always left room for treats.

After all, we’ve got to enjoy the moments & opportunities that we’re given!

Have you ever been out of the country?

Do you have any “Eat Clean On The Go” tips you want to share?

Be true to you,

Red heart Kasey

Category: beTRUEtoYOU, Blog, FitFluential, The Eat Clean Diet

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6 responses to “Eat Clean On The Go Tips…When in Rome!”

  1. Rome is absolutely AMAZING!!!! OMG I died at the gelato. Seriously – eat it EVERY SINGLE CHANCE you get! Ok maybe not every single time you see a gelato place…. But at least once a day 😉 There is NOTHING that compares to it!
    Also – in the Jewish ghetto of Rome (it’s not really ghetto), there are some delicious Jewish bakeries. They have all sorts of treats that you may have never tasted before.
    Try to go to one farmers market too – there you can talk to the real people of Rome and hear interesting stories!

  2. runhunnykp says:

    Looks like you had so much fun! Where did you get your side bag? So cute!

  3. Lisa says:

    Looks like a blast!!! I’ve been dreaming of going to Rome, it looks beautiful!
    Clean eating tips, definitely always planning a bit ahead, bring easily travel items like protein powder, seeds, nuts, oats, but making sure to indulge a bit of the time since it’s most likely a once in a life time experience.

  4. I’ve been to Italy 2x and may be going back again this year! I’m obsessed. 🙂 Eating clean… welllll… if wine and gelato (OMG that nutella made me drool!) are clean then I did a great job of it. LOL!

    I pack food and work really hard to stay on my plan when I’m home or traveling for business. I take one International vacation a year though… and I tend to let it all hang out. 😉

  5. Linz says:

    SO fun!! so smart of you to print out gluten free cards 🙂 🙂 i’ve only ever been to mexico

  6. […] Good morning everyone! Glad you enjoyed my recap of Rome. […]

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