Weekend Recap: Leg & Booty POWERCIRCUIT

August 27, 2012 -
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Hey all! Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
I got to take some time to relax and visit with the boyfriend…


Speaking of the boyfriend,
I woke up to this beautiful rainbow in the fridge on Sunday morning.
I’d say I’m a lucky girl Winking smile
He knows how much I love to #EATARAINBOW; smart boy!

Along with my GNC BCAA’s!


Leg & Booty

Round One

  • 20 Squats

*1st time with just the bar then
*continued to add 5lbs on each side for the next sets

  • Weighted Hip Thrusts with 25lb plate
  • 50 Mountain Climbers
    Repeat x 4

    Round Two

  • Elevated 1 leg dumbbell squats
    12 each leg

    *1 foot on bench, other foot on ground
    *hold a dumbbell in each hand
    *I used 20’s
  • Sumo Squat holding 25 lb weight
  • 25 Calf Raises holding dumbells
    Repeat x 3
  • Round Three

    • 12-15 Leg Extensions
    • 12-15 Hamstring Curls
    • 30 Leg Press Calf Raises
      10 toes out
      10 toes in
      10 toes straight

      *push out on a leg press machine and raise onto your toes
      Repeat x 3


    Every minute do;
    3 Burpees
    6 Push-ups
    9 Jump Squats

    Whatever time is leftover is your REST
    until the next minute starts!

    The Cardio Blaster was inspired by @Kmaecags from Instagram!

    *I was a sweaty mess and sore today!
    Definitely resting today – no workouts for powercakes!

    When I came back from the gym the boy, who was at a meeting for school,
    already had my asparagus waiting for me…
    Again, spoiled much? sheeshhh – he’s making me look bad! Winking smile


    I had the asparagus with a sweet potato topped with
    VEGA protein powder mixed with water & chia seeds to make a Frosting!

    I also sprinkled some cinnamon & coconut oil on top!

    I was craving a meal after working LEGS so hard
    and this totally did the REFUELING trick!

    Then we headed to the lake for a few hours
    & came back starving; so I, of course, made a rainbow!

    raw and roasted veggies, sundried tomatoes,
    avocado, & wild caught salmon with dill!

    *and I wanted to prove that I’m not alwaysss in workout clothes!
    I promise I own real clothes & a straightener Winking smile

    So that was my POWERPACKED weekend!
    Don’t forget to check out my VLOG about eating a more plant based diet!


    Also, I’ve got a really good topic planned for my VLOG this thursday.
    It’s a pretty deep topic where I get a little personal about
    my personal struggle with food a few years back
    & my outlook on competing!

    Hope you’ll check it out later this week!

    I’m off to dinner with Mamacakes
    Then headed to a pretty cool business opportunity at a local University!

    Gosh, can’t wait to fill you all in on this Business stuff! Winking smile

    So tell me, what did you do this weekend!?!
    I’d love to hear! Red heart