Weekend Recap: Leg & Booty POWERCIRCUIT
August 27, 2012 -
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Hey all! Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
I got to take some time to relax and visit with the boyfriend…
Speaking of the boyfriend,
I woke up to this beautiful rainbow in the fridge on Sunday morning.
I’d say I’m a lucky girl
He knows how much I love to #EATARAINBOW; smart boy!
Along with my GNC BCAA’s!
Leg & Booty Round One
*1st time with just the bar then Repeat x 4 Round Two 12 each leg *1 foot on bench, other foot on ground *hold a dumbbell in each hand *I used 20’s Repeat x 3
Round Three
10 Minute CARDIO POWER BLASTER! Every minute do; Whatever time is leftover is your REST
The Cardio Blaster was inspired by @Kmaecags from Instagram!
*I was a sweaty mess and sore today!
Definitely resting today – no workouts for powercakes!
When I came back from the gym the boy, who was at a meeting for school,
already had my asparagus waiting for me…
Again, spoiled much? sheeshhh – he’s making me look bad!
I had the asparagus with a sweet potato topped with
VEGA protein powder mixed with water & chia seeds to make a Frosting!
I also sprinkled some cinnamon & coconut oil on top!
I was craving a meal after working LEGS so hard
and this totally did the REFUELING trick!
Then we headed to the lake for a few hours
& came back starving; so I, of course, made a rainbow!
raw and roasted veggies, sundried tomatoes,
avocado, & wild caught salmon with dill!
*and I wanted to prove that I’m not alwaysss in workout clothes!
I promise I own real clothes & a straightener
So that was my POWERPACKED weekend!
Don’t forget to check out my VLOG about eating a more plant based diet!
Also, I’ve got a really good topic planned for my VLOG this thursday.
It’s a pretty deep topic where I get a little personal about
my personal struggle with food a few years back
& my outlook on competing!
Hope you’ll check it out later this week!
I’m off to dinner with Mamacakes
Then headed to a pretty cool business opportunity at a local University!
Gosh, can’t wait to fill you all in on this Business stuff!
So tell me, what did you do this weekend!?!
I’d love to hear!