SILK Yogurt Dessert Parfait #TopItTuesday [Recipe]

September 8, 2015 -
2 comments, add yours

Hey everyone & HAPPY TUESDAY! I hope you had a great Labor Day weekend – Corey & I truly enjoyed the beautiful weather and soaked in every ounce of summer while it’s still here.


Have I mentioned how much I love sunshine & the best? It’s my happy place.

Anywho – TODAY! is Top It Tuesday with my friends at SILK and I’m sharing with you one of my favorite ways to enjoy yogurt — in a parfait!

silk parfait

Now the big question is….How do you layer your parfaits?

Peanut butter on the bottom?

Yogurt on the bottom?

…For me, I always put my nut butter on the bottom for those last yogurt/peanut butter bites, then I work my way up alternating with yogurt & crunch.

silkyogurtsAbove I used one Silk Strawberry & one Silk Peach Mango as well as a bunch of other eats to make the parfait such as blueberries, Trader Joes fiber cereal sticks (one of my favorites!), as well as topping it with a Powercrunch bar (use code XUG228 at for $5 off a box).

Feel free to share YOUR parfait with Silk & hashtag #TopItTuesday to see everyone else’s creations as well AND head to Silk’s website for a —–> COUPON you can use next time you’re in the store!

I’m off to get ready to coach — I actually just took a Middle School Head Soccer Coach position & I’m super excited! Speaking of soccer…yogurt was one of my go-to snacks before a game either with lunch or partnered with some trail mix. Safe to say, I’m a fan of all of the yogurts.

Thank you SILK & be true to you,

xo Kasey




This conversation is sponsored by Silk. The opinions and text are all mine.

Category: Recipe

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2 responses to “SILK Yogurt Dessert Parfait #TopItTuesday [Recipe]”

  1. Cassie says:

    Have to try the Silk yogurts!

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