#RESTWEEK inspiration & The Universe Knows product review.

April 4, 2013 -
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Good morning everyone! Heather & I are so excited to see the supportive & accepting posts about #RESTWEEK!

We will be sharing daily mantras & images that you are more than welcome to repost & share.


Heather & I are working hard behind the scenes to help guide you through this 7 day journey.

Today I wanted to share with you some testimonials from others who have
taken rest weeks to maybe make you feel less anxious about the whole process!

Our girl Lindsay just took a rest week & feels awesome!


Judith shared with us her story;


One question came up that we wanted to answer –

“What if I’m a personal trainer or group fitness instructor & have to teach classes during #RESTWEEK?”

Answer: Be true to you! If you have to teach spinning classes all week or group fitness – definitely do your job!
We suggest not adding in another workout other than the one that is your job to fulfill.

Hopefully that makes sense!
We are just looking to replace that personal workout time with learning to nourish our minds & body.

Along with having daily inspiration, mantras, recipes, & more –
we have some awesome companies who are on board that share the same passion and message that we believe in.

The Universe Knows is a company that specializes in inspiration wear.

Through FitFluential I was introduced to them & am so glad I was. The timing was perfect!

Coincidence? More like meant to be.

They have inspirational sayings on their products & upon opening my package, I was instantly in love.


*V-neck t-shirt, hoodie, mug, & beautiful notebook!

I am enjoying my coffee mug filled with coffee, coconut oil, & stevia!


This Universe Knows Mug is a constant reminder every morning to smile & learn to laugh!


Heather & I are very excited to have The Universe Knows on board
& if you are participating in #RESTWEEK I think you’ll love what they will be offering!

In the meantime,

  • check out our #RESTWEEK [Tool Kit] that will get you prepped & ready to go for the week.
  • Don’t forget to sign up for our #RESTWEEK [Newsletter]
    that will have ADDED content throughout the week for those who sign up!

Want some more inspiration?
Bex from BexLife did an amazing post about her time off from working out;

Why NOT working out is OKAY [ read it here ].


Red heart Kasey

*I was sent these products to review & all opinions are my own.
I was not compensated by The Universe Knows.