#PP Green Kale Pesto with Felicia!
October 5, 2012 -
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Hi all! Today’s PLANTPOWER Theme is
It is so important to have GREENS in your diet!
We all know that KALE is so healthy,
did someone say KALE?
Heather? For the love of KALE? Whatttt?
anyway, we OBVI love this food
so why not get in this #plantPOWER food with an amazing PESTO!?
Well don’t worry all, the beautiful Felicia has you covered!
Take it away girl!
Hey POWERCAKES readers!
I’m Felicia– an RN finishing my masters in Acupuncture
and about to open my own alternative healthcare practice!
I have a HUGE passion for eating nourishing food to maintain health and prevent disease.
I love to blog about keeping a healthy balance between weight training,
eating nutritious food, and eating ENOUGH food, along with necessary indulgences
(like baking, drinking wine and beer, and eating chocolate)
that keep me sane and happy.
Eating local, in season, and making vegetables the main focus of
my meals is something I truly enjoy doing on a daily basis.
I am super excited to share my easy protein packed KALE PESTO
for Kasey + Heather’s October plantPOWER challenge!
First up, gather your ingredients:
(notice Felicia uses the same Nooch that I love!)
kale, tahini, salt, nutritional yeast, garlic, and hemp seeds
(and any other favorite seasonings you might like)
*Hemp seeds are an amazing plant based superfood
that contain all nine essential amino acids,
fiber, protein, a balanced ratio of omega 3 to 6 fats,
vitamin E, and is easily digested!*
Okay, back to the pesto!
First, lightly steam the kale in water until it turns bright green.
Don’t overcook it though- just steam to cook lightly.
For this recipe, I got about 4 cups worth after steaming (it will wilt slightly).
Add to a food processor or high powered blender.
Blend the kale with a bit of water if needed, then add the remaining ingredients:
1-2 cloves of garlic (based on your preference)
salt, pepper, and other favorite seasonings to taste
1/3 cup hemp seeds
½ cup nutritional yeast
¼ cup tahini
Blend until smooth. Adjust seasonings if necessary.
You can make it as thick or thin as you like!
Add more tahini for thickness, or add more water to thin it out.
Hope you enjoy!
Come visit my blog for food and fitness inspiration,
and rock out this plant POWER challenge!!
Honestly, Felicia is another blogger that I feel like I already know!
We talk often & feel so strongly about FUELING our bodies!
This girl is a total clean eating rockstar & 100% POWERCAKES approved!!
GREEN is such an important color to have in your diets so EAT UP!!
Also check out FitFluential Friday where you will see my ONE LEG PLATE LUNGES!