June POWERMEAL A DAY Clean Eating Challenge!

May 29, 2012 -
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hi all! Winking smile

today I’m SO excited to introduce to you


clean eating challenge!

Each day of June has a specific theme!

Basically if you just add the word “meal” onto the end of word

& tweet @POWERCAKES with #JunePowermealADay
with an attachment of your picture

or comment with the link of where you posted your picture

or you can e-mail me your picture

or post your picture on INSTAGRAM and tag me with the hashtag

or you can post a picture on my facebook wall!

that is how you get entered!

I plan to highlight some great pictures on my blog throughout this month!

For example; the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, & purple
I was just thinking you can show how you incorporate those colors
into your POWERMEALS! Winking smile

Same with “carb”, “protein”, “fruit”, “veggie”.
Just show me how you incorporate those clean ingredients on those days!

Hopefully that makes sense!

Also, I’m super excited to be giving away a few prizes throughout
the month to the participants that I think have the most creative
and consistent POWERMEALS!

One of the gifts being a hand painted wine glass
from my friend sarah

it says “Strong is the new skinny”
& “Strong Is Beautiful” on the bottom!

So that will be the main prize at the end of this challenge!

I will be posting my daily challenge on Instagram and on my blog!
So keep an eye out Winking smile

So if you want to join the challenge
tweet “I’m joining @POWERCAKES #JunePowerMealADay challenge at https://powercakes.net/june-powermeal-a-day-clean-eating-challenge/ “

I figured this would be a good challenge, especially for the summer months
to help myself & other stay on track with clean eating!
So I hope you’ll join me in this!!

Are you joining the challenge?