Cyber Monday Deal! Free Be True To You Bracelet with Purchase of a Powercakes Tank!
December 1, 2013 -
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Hey all! Hope you had great weekend & are enjoying your Sunday! With all of the deals going on with Black Friday & Cyber Monday – I wanted to join in on the action! Right now, I am getting together Pre-Orders for the Powercakes Tank Tops so I can place an order & get them sent before the Holiday’s!
I am offering the FIRST TEN PEOPLE TO ORDER A TANK TOP a free Be True To You Bracelet with your purchase!
Something I wear every day as a constant reminder to be true to myself.
The support with the first order was so amazing & I absolutely love seeing the pictures of you rockin’ your gear!
If you’re interested in ordering, just head to SHOP.POWERCAKES.NET!
Ordering will close on Tuesday of this week – thank you for your patience with the pre-orders with my little small business over here
Have a great Sunday!! Off to the gym soon with the boy & then doing some Christmas shopping of my own later on for the fam!
be true to you,
Shout out to Abby Kail from the Vintage Button Photography for the pictures – she’s so talented!