Cyber Monday Deal! Free Be True To You Bracelet with Purchase of a Powercakes Tank!

December 1, 2013 -
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Hey all! Hope you had great weekend & are enjoying your Sunday! With all of the deals going on with Black Friday & Cyber Monday – I wanted to join in on the action! Winking smile  Right now, I am getting together Pre-Orders for the Powercakes Tank Tops so I can place an order & get them sent before the Holiday’s!

IMG_7474I am offering the FIRST TEN PEOPLE TO ORDER A TANK TOP  a  free Be True To You Bracelet with your purchase!


Something I wear every day as a constant reminder to be true to myself.


The support with the first order was so amazing & I absolutely love seeing the pictures of you rockin’ your gear!


If you’re interested in ordering, just head to SHOP.POWERCAKES.NET!

Ordering will close on Tuesday of this week – thank you for your patience with the pre-orders with my little small business over here Winking smile 

Have a great Sunday!! Off to the gym soon with the boy & then doing some Christmas shopping of my own later on for the fam!

be true to you,

Red heart Kasey


Shout out to Abby Kail from the Vintage Button Photography for the pictures – she’s so talented!