Worry-Free Wednesday & New Leg WOD!

June 19, 2013 -
5 comments, add yours

Happy Wednesday everyone! Or I should say; Happy Worry-Free Wednesday! Winking smile Just sounds better, doesn’t it?

I woke up this morning to this awesome quote on Facebook & I couldn’t help but share.


Gosh, worrying is such a tricky thing. So often we get so caught up in our own worries that we are distracted from what is going on around us. It’s a fact that worrying is a result of our thoughts & maybe if we try to think more positively – that worry will go away. I literally just said to my client last night, worrying won’t change the outcome. Just because I worry doesn’t mean things will change – if anything it just adds more anxiety to our already busy lives! So maybe together we can all work on worrying less Winking smile

Ok, now that Teacher Kasey had her turn to talk – I wanted to remember to mention that anyone is welcome to the Amy’s Army Fitness Fundraiser that will be next Monday Night (the 24th) in Pittsburgh from 630-830pm. If you have any questions you can e-mail me Kasey@Powercakes.net or check out this post here!

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Sign spotting at the gym!

We had an awesome meeting last night about final details and it’s going to be great! We have over 25 donated auction baskets from amazing companies such as VEGA, The Universe Knows, KIND Snacks, & many many more! I am overwhelmed in such a good way! If you aren’t working out with us – that’s fine too! You can just enjoy the free beverages provided by my client’s brother, some music out on the deck, & the auction baskets.


One thing I don’t have to worry about is that my hard work has been paying off! With my schedule now, I am basically splitting up my week into 3 or 4 days at the gym & 2-3 days at CrossFit! My body is really liking the split of working different body parts while also incorporated CrossFit WODS at well. I love both types of training – I love the aspect of lifting isolated muscle groups while also working on my competitive side (with myself) of Olympic lifts, metcons, & gymnastic moves! Did I mention I love all types of fitness? #BETRUETOYOU

Last night the WOD was as follows:

in 15 minutes find your ONE REP MAX with the Split Jerk.
(For those who don’t know what a Split Jerk is – you can watch this video here)

This involves a proper warm up before hand for about 15 minutes,
which leads into working on your Split Jerk by adding weight with each successful rep.

I start with just the bar & then increase my weight with some rest in between.

In 15 minutes I did my Personal Best at 125lbs!

It’s super exciting when you see your strength improving (while doing proper form!) I suggest if you haven’t done Olympic lifts before, make sure to find a professional coach or trainer that can help you with proper form. You want to be smart & not be injured Winking smile

Everyone at the gym did awesome – so many PR’s were happening it was great!

We followed the lifting session with a WOD called “Power Elizabeth” – Which makes me laugh since my middle name is Elizabeth & I obviously love the word POWER Winking smile.

I used 75 pounds for the power cleans
(which are definitely my favorite lift)
& I used a red resistance band for the ring dips.

My goal one day is to be able to ring dip unassisted.

After an awesome training session this morning with my client Mary (who was doing 1 arm snatches like a BOSS, by the way), I headed to the gym to do some leg work! I focused on quads while also doing a lot of body weight movements as well.

power wod 619

Everything was done between 12-15 reps with 4 sets of each pair.

1) Box Squats 12×4 (increased weight with every set)

2) Heels raised onto two plates – squat using dumbells – super set with calf raise machine.

3) 1 Legged Leg Press (one leg at a time, push through heel) – Leg Extensions (holding at the top of each movement)

4) 1 Leg Push Back (on a machine) + 20 lunge pulses (10 each leg forward)


-Run 200m
-10 Alternating Overhead Step Up (holding 10lb plate over head – I used a high box to step onto)
– 50 Double Unders or 100 singles
– 25 Walking Lunges

Any questions on these I suggest e-mailing me or turn to a website that you trust with proper form demos!


After this one – tomorrow is definitely  hot yoga day!

Hope you enjoy your Wednesday!!


Red heart Kasey

What is your favorite leg work out??

Category: beTRUEtoYOU, Blog, FitFluential

5 responses to “Worry-Free Wednesday & New Leg WOD!”

  1. Kim says:

    I love your opening quote – I never ever thought of worrying like that but it makes sense – it does keep you from enjoying (or even seeing) the good!!

  2. So glad you are enjoying your new workouts! I agree with worry – still working on that too as well as comparison is the thief of joy & happiness. 🙂

  3. I love that worrying quote. I am definitely a worrier by nature, i got the bad habit from my mum if there is something to worry about I’m there!

    That leg workout looks like a good one, I’ve not heard of half the exercises before. I love doing leg press and backwards lunges.

  4. Thanks for the new leg workouts – I always get stuck in a leg workout rut!

  5. […] Yoga, or putting in my headphones & heading to the gym for a great back & bicep day or leg day – I truly enjoy it all. I think finding what YOU enjoy is so important! Don’t worry about what […]

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