Who Inspires You? … Meet my Client Mary Ann Quinn!
October 25, 2018 -
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FRIENDS! How are you!? Gosh, I can’t believe it’s already (past) mid-October. I went from wearing shorts to a winter jacket all within 24 hours.
With a new season comes new goals.
Do you ever feel like certain times of the year are an opportunity for growth and change? I look at a new season as a new chance to start fresh and really zone in on my goals.
When it comes to achieving those goals, surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals is always an awesome way to stay motivated, accountable, & inspired to keep moving forward.
When my friends at ADIDAS launched a new series and asked me “Who inspires you?” the first person that came to mind is my Mom (hi Kath!) because we literally do the same thing for a living (I learned from the best!) and she inspires me daily. The only issue is that we don’t live in the same town (she’s in Pittsburgh and I’m in Rhode Island) so I wanted to pick someone local to feature.
Now, ALL of my clients inspire me daily and I would totally do a post on all of them (which I should!) but my girl Mary Ann has quite the story with her wellness journey that I’ve been blessed to be a part of and I knew she could inspire people by sharing it.
Mary Ann and I met when I first moved to Rhode Island and had no job, no contacts, and honestly didn’t know what my next steps would be.
Our girl Dana (with whom I connected with via Instagram before moving to Rhode Island) reached out to a bunch of her Soccer Mom friends about giving this Trainer a chance to train their soccer daughters!
Thank goodness they all believed in me and to this day, I am so thankful that they gave me a chance and trusted me with their daughter’s strength and conditioning. It has truly been life changing for me.
Through training Mary Ann’s Daughter, Kaleigh, Mary Ann and I started also working together almost 2.5 years ago.
She had recently lost her sweet mom and was looking to focus on herself to stay strong for her and her family.
This woman is full of strength.
She amazes me always with her smile, energy, & her rawness.
In the beginning of her journey, it wasn’t even about the workouts.
Sure…we got the workouts in…but we also would spend a whole hour after the workout just journaling & more so having a therapy session where we both grew so much.
She will be the first to tell you that STRENGTH doesn’t always happen just in the workouts.
You’ve got to work on your mental strength, sometimes even before the workouts, in order to keep going on this journey to a stronger you.
She’s taught me so much as a Trainer. She’s taught me to trust the process with each individual client and just to be a support system and an ear to listen because they will let you know when they are ready to move to the next step.
I’m lucky to say that all of my clients are truly family to me and Mary Ann is one of my cool “aunties” in Rhode Island.
We got to shoot a photoshoot with my girl Mikayla Pasco Photography for this ADIDAS campaign and it was SO fun.
Mary Ann will be the first to say that she isn’t the most comfortable being the center of attention — but this also was such a GROWING experience for her to step out of her comfort zone (in a sweet TANK TOP!), & show her strength.
These pictures show our relationship — smiling, laughing, and just “getting” each other.
I’m so proud of you Mary Ann and I’m so thankful to chose me to be a part of your journey.
Outfit details: Crossback Tank Top, Believe This 7/8 Tight, PureBoost Shoes.
Let’s get into the Q&A!
1) How long have you been working with Kasey & what made you want to start with a personal trainer?
I have been working with Kasey for about 2 and half years. I had recently lost my mom and had gone through a difficult period emotionally. I wanted to be stronger for myself and my daughters and knew that I needed help with accountability on my new journey.
2) What does strength mean to you?
Strength is very emotional for me. It is definitely a combination of mental and physical. For me I had to work on my mental strength before I could focus on my physical strength. I had to believe in myself and what i was capable of doing.
3) Talk about an improvement you’ve seen in yourself while being on this journey?
I truly believe that I have become more comfortable in my own skin. I still have a way to go as far as my weight loss journey. But I have been able to appreciate and celebrate daily wins. Wearing shorts for the first time in years this summer, wearing tank tops to work out- really such a huge step for me.
4) What’s your biggest tip to anyone out there looking for some motivation?
One Day at Time- find your daily win! Write it out, hang it up, keep a journal. Focusing on the daily win has been huge for me!
5) What’s your favorite exercise & why?
Anything with weights- deadlifts, overhead presses- I feel strong and badass!!
6) What’s your go-to quick snack?
Healthy Warrior-chia seed bars or Evolve protein shake
7) Share a proud moment where you wanted to give yourself a pat on the back?
Signing up for the rugged maniac and not quitting until I had to leave the course in a golf cart. So outside of my comfort zone, but it had been a bucket list item for me.
8) Who inspires you?
Kasey- so hard working and so accomplished at such a young age. Christine Onofre- my strong instructor- juggling a million things, family, work and health. Her weight loss journey is inspiring and she pushes me hard! Lisa Cabral-that girl is amazing and always showing up with a smile on her face. My mom continues to inspire me- she was quietly confident and instilled confidence and faith in all of us- I am in awe of the grace and faith she had throughout her life.
9) Anything else you’d like to add?
The personal journey of emotional and physical health is one that so many people begin but are not always motivated or supported to finish. There is something to be said about surrounding yourself with like-minded people who are willing to be a part of your journey. I have found such confidence through working with Kasey and being a part of the amazing community at the local Recreation Center. It is important to have people who believe in you, especially when you do not believe in yourself.

Be true to you always,
xo Kasey (and Mary Ann!)
This post is sponsored by my friends at ADIDAS but all opinions are my own, as always!