Trader Joes Grocery Haul & Taco Tuesday! [Recipe]

January 7, 2014 -
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hey all! Anyone else in the negative degrees like we are? Last night my car temperature read -5 on my way home from watching the Bachelor with some girlfriends. And yes, it’s our guilty pleasure. Drink tea and watch the Bachelor – no better way to spend a Monday night! ;]

With it being so cold, warm foods are super appealing. 

After a grocery stop at Trader Joes last week I came across their Taco Seasoning. I’m always a fan of natural seasonings without added ingredients that you can’t pronounce.  

Also got some coconut milk, wild salmon, freeze dried mangoes & bananas, raw honey, carrots, taco shells, squash, bananas, dark chocolate covered cranberries (OMG so good), dried cherries, apple cider vinegar, apricots, & parsnips!

Love Trader Joes! I actually just heard that one is moving closer to my house which is probably a bad idea for my wallet but super exciting at the same time.

I was inspired by the Taco seasoning & Taco shells to create some Power Tacos for Taco Tuesday! 

So simple to make & can be made with ingredients that you like. #betruetoyou


  • Taco Shells of choice
  • Taco Seasoning Mix
  • 1 lb of Ground Turkey Breast (I used all natural meat from Whole Foods)
  • 1 can of beans (I used black eyed peas)
  • 1 can of Diced Tomatoes
  • 2 TB of minced Garlic
  • 1 TB oil of choice (I used Grapeseed oil)
  1. Add oil & garlic to a medium heat pan.
  2. Add in your turkey meat (or any meat or protein of choice – could use more beans!) & your seasoning mix.
    **I only used half of a packet of seasoning since I can’t handle too much spice but feel free to add as much as you’d like for your preference! 
  3. Once the turkey is browned and cooked all of the way through, add in your can of tomatoes & beans.
  4. Stir & let simmer on a low heat for a good 15-20 minutes so it thickens.
  5. While your turkey mix heats, turn your oven to 400 degrees.
  6. Put your corn shells spread out on a cookie sheet & heat for about 6 minutes until crispy.
  7. Once everything is warmed & ready – put your taco mix into your shells & top with toppings!
  8. I used guac, salsa, & made some Cheesy Kale Chips for a side.
  9. ENJOY!
I love Tacos & now that I’m stocked up on seasoning from Trader Joe’s – I’m ready for any cold winter day where I need a warm meal!
I’m off to teach my class downtown & I am praying that the closest parking garage is open so I don’t have to walk too far in the -5 degrees. Thank goodness for Under Armour cold gear! For reeeeal.

Have a great Taco Tuesday!
Be true to you,
xo Kasey

What is your favorite Taco Topping??