#plantPOWER Calendar REVEALED!
January 31, 2013 -
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hi all! Tomorrow is DAY ONE of the #plantPOWER February Challenge!
Heather & I have worked very hard to make this an awesome month for everyone involved. We’ve done posts to help you wit Prepping for the Challenge & you can also see the October PlantPower Recap to see how the last one worked.
Whether you tweet a picture daily, post a comment, or just follow along – we are so happy to have you!
So the moment you’ve been waiting for…the reveal the February #plantPOWER CALENDAR!
As you can see, we will be hosting an ALPHABET themed challenge.
Instead of each day being a certain topic or theme, we went with A-Z to really see how creative YOU can be!
February 1st-26th will be A-Z and then the 27th we will announce the winners of the totally awesome giveaways we will be hosting throughout the month.
We will also host a challenge recap on the 28th where we want to highlight some of YOUR awesome creations & images!!
Speaking of giveaways…
here is a sneak peek into some of the companies who are sponsoring #plantPOWER & providing prizes to those who are involved.
We are very thankful to have the support of these companies that share our passion for plant based foods!
Do you still have questions about what this challenge consists of? My girl Heather has got you covered!
Your FAQs Answered by Heather
- What does a plant-based diet consist of? A plant-based diet is one that is rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds and free of meat, dairy (including eggs), and honey. If you’re a little lost on where to get started, you can always search our last challenge for easy, healthy, and energizing meals!
- Do I have to go 100% plant-based for the entire month? NOPE! You do not have to adopt a 100% plant-based diet. The only meal(s), mini meals, and snacks that we ask to be plant-based are the ones that go along with each daily challenge.
- What do I post with my #plantPOWER meals a day? Post your images with the hashtag #plantPOWER and our twitter handles: @heatherwaxman and @Powercakes.
- Please use the #FitFluential hashtag too!
- How else can I get involved? We want YOU to be a part of this! Feel free to email Heather (heather@fortheloveofkale.com) or Kasey (kasey@powercakes.net) any plant-based recipes that you’ve created and we would love to feature them on our blogs throughout the challenge!
- What kinds of giveaways will be happening? There is a powerhouse of giveaways in store for you. Kasey and I are so jealous that we can’t join in! They will be throughout the month & we will provide information on how to enter on the day of the giveaway!
- How can I win? Participate! Share the #plantPOWER love as much as you can and you’re automatically entered to win. The more you share, the more likely you are to win!
- Anything else? HAVE FUN! This is not a weight loss challenge or a competition. It’s just an outlet for all of us to connect and share the plant-based love together.
Remember, to be TRUE TO YOU throughout the whole challenge –
we want to see how you get creative with plant based foods!
Really, who couldn’t benefit from eating more whole nutritious foods?
Will you be joining us!?