Mamacakes, Apple Pie PowerBowl, & PowerCircuit!
August 17, 2012 -
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hi all !
Sorry I’ve been MIA;
you may have to get used to this posting every couple days thing
since I’ve been super busy with business things!
can you tell I’m excited?
I’ve been working my little booty off –
which now I think I can call it a medium booty…
thanks to squats, squats, squats, & more squats!
But soon enough I think my hard work will pay off
& I can’t wait to share these things with you !!
Anyway, a re-cap of my last couple days..
Yesterday Mamacakes & I spoke at a local Technical Institute
about how to incorporate fitness at your desk –
aka “Deskercises” along with some healthy POWERSNACKS to bring to work!
It was such a great presentation & we were really able to interact with the audience!
Fact: Mamacakes is a Boss with her cute bag.
I’m a child with my Vera Bradley book bag & Attune Foods grocery bag.
I need to upgrade to a “Big Girl” bag!
Then we headed to grab lunch – we were STARVING.
We went to a local restaurant & I got a salmon salad with hard boiled eggs,
avocado, pepitas, mushrooms, tomatoes, & goat cheese!
Fact: it was a lot of health fats but I didn’t feel guilty at all because I was so hungry
& I had to fuel up for my soccer game later that night.
#PROOF of being #FitFluential on the soccer field!
Love burning cals while you’re doing something you enjoy!
oh, & we lost by 2 goals – but it was a close one!
This morning I got up early to get a good meal in before my workout!
I , of course, had some of my Apple Pie Cleanser mixed with my GNC BCAA’s
I Also had a
chopped Apples
2 TB Ground Flax
1 TBSP Raisins
1/4 Cup Chopped Soaked Walnuts
“Protein Frosting”
Vanilla Vega Protein Powder Mixed with Water
It was definitely an APPLE morning at my house!
Then I headed to the gym before work to get in a great
Back & Bicep PowerCircuit
Basically it is 3 different Triplet Sets
I went through each mini-circuit 3 times & then ran 2 laps in between,
then moved onto the next mini-circuit 3 times and then ran 2 laps!
you get the point?
I know sometimes it can be confusing to read something
but I didn’t have time for a VLOG today so I’m trying my best to explain through typing!
I OBVI refueled after with my GNC Whey Protein, cocoa powder,
& Glutamine Powder to aid in muscle recovery!!
WHEW! What a Power Packed couple of days!
Hopefully you’ll try out the #powerbowl & #powercircuit & let me know!!
What’s your favorite pre-workout meal!?