Happy New Year! [2014] & Rear Delt Cable Pulls!
January 1, 2014 -
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hey all! How was your New Years Eve!?
We kicked off the New Year with Corey’s family! We went to a local place to hear a band play just like we did last year. It’s always a good time with everyone!
Our yearly picture with MamaBrown! (Corey’s Mom) & his sister-in-laws Jessica & Michelle. After last night and a good sleep we headed to the gym for our first workout of 2014! We hit shoulders (my favorite!) One of the muscles I used to neglect are the rear delts (back of the shoulders). The shoulders have 3 different parts to them (front, middle, & rear) which can all be targeted with different exercises.
We did some Cable Cross-Over Rear Delt Pulls which can really say helloooo to those muscles!
Here’s an explanation that I posted to [Facebook] right after our workout!
I swear I do change out & wash my clothes but I will often be seen in my Under Armour Snakey leggings & studio tank!
The boy got in on the action too – and yes, he rocks a UA beanie with a tank & sweatpants – I promise he’s not confused haha be true to you, right!?
If you try these out I suggest starting with a smaller weight & increase if you can. I used the 5lb plates and Corey used the 10 lb plates on the cable machine.
I’m challenging myelf more and more with different exercises and it’s a goal of mine to continue that throughout this year and years to come! I’m always up for a challenge and our bodies like when we switch things up!
What are your New Years goals? Whether it be with fitness, family, friends, or a personal goal – I challenge you to change your I can’t into I WILL in 2014!
My girl Kelli from IDEA Fitness & the IG account @Happsters, shared this awesome quote that I thought went perfectly with New Years goals!
I posted this to Instagram lastnight with a video recap of pictures.
As I sit here & type out a little recap of 2013, I am overwhelmed with the emotions I feel – in a good way! I started the year feeling kind of lost in my own path as to where life would take me. I knew I had a passion for helping others through my own experiences whether it was fitness, food, cooking, baking, or life in general – I wanted to help people.
Often times when you make the choice to stray from the degree you graduated with to go for a different goal & dream, it can be a scary thing. But in the end, I was doing exactly what I went to school for – just in a different way. I went to school to be a teacher because I had the passion to teach & touch peoples lives, but I’m doing it in my own #betruetoyou way.
And guess what… taking the leap isn’t always easy & there has been multiple speed bumps in my road but in the end, none of them were road blocks stopping me from getting where I’m going. Challenges are the biggest opportunities in disguise.
I often ask myself, what would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? If you knew that everything would turn out ok in the end…what would you do?
Similar to Kelli’s image shse shared, we have to lose our fear in order to move forward. Face the fear head on & in the end you may realize that what you feared wasn’t really that scary after all.
Ya know, we only get one life to live & we have one guaranteed relationship in our lives and that’s with ourselves. I stopped looking outward & worrying about what others thought, did some soul searching, & looked inward to follow what I truly wanted to do.
Although I’m not at my top goal yet – I have faith that I am being led where I am meant to be. With the amazing support of my family & friends and all of YOU I can truly say that I am ready & willing to open myself to 2014 – no matter how unknown the future is, I know that I am certain it will be a fun ride to wherever I’m going.
Thank you all for the constant support & I can’t wait to develop more relationships & make more memories with you all in 2014!
Cheers & be true to you!
xo Kasey
What is your New Years goal for 2014?
Let’s connect to stay in touch in 2014!