Gliding Power Plates Push Ups & Greek Omelet Valentine’s Breakfast!

February 15, 2014 -
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Hey all! Hope you had a great Friday & Saturday morning! We had a super romantic Valentine’s day….at a wrestling match. haha for real! Corey was coaching so I traveled to watch the team and support! But hey, comes with the territory when you’re dating a Wrestling Coach!

We made up for it this morning though after our workout by heading to a local Cafe called First Watch.

Before breakfast came Gliding Push Ups!


Today’s [Power Plates Challenge] from @Iamhealthyfit and myself is to challenge your whole body with a moving push up.

There are different ways you can do this but I am showing a gliding push up and a modified where you can go to the front of your thighs to perform the movement!

TRUST ME – you will still feel it! Keep your core & legs tight as you perform each movement to support yourself.

It’s always fun when some of the morning yoga peeps stick around to watch some power plates – hence the feet you see in the beginning! You never know who you can inspire, right!?

After spin class, some strength with legs, & then some power plates – it was time to REFUEL.

I got the Greek omelet with olives, peppers, feta, & onions with house potatoes, homemade salsa, & dressed greens! The boy got the “Bacado” which is a bacon, avocado, & cheese omelet with potatoes & english muffin. We both enjoyed some coffee and got a chance to catch up about our weeks!

To me, moments like this I’ll take any day over flowers ;] Mostly because I always end up killing the flower since I don’t know how to take care of them properly….whoops!

Welp – we’re off to get ready for my Great Aunt Rita’s SURPRISE 90th BIRTHDAY!!! It’s so fitting that her birthday is on Valentines day because she’s 90 & still rockin’ the red hair.

If you can’t tell – she’s super tiny. Or maybe it’s just that my sister-in-law and I are THAT tall. Looking forward to an evening with family!

Have a great one guys –

Be true to you,

xo Kasey

What’s your favorite breakfast to get when you go out to eat? I love eggs of any kind & potatoes!