Friday Cake Batter French Toast with Muscle Egg!

September 11, 2015 -
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I have a new obsession…and it’s called Cake Batter Egg Whites.

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I’ve always been a fan of liquid egg whites as an easy way to get in more protein since you can drink or eat them, and then I met Muscle Egg and my taste buds were taken to a whole new level!

You can check out Muscle Egg [here] & their many flavors to choose from. I tend to lean more towards vanilla flavored things so I went with Cake Batter Egg Whites & Organic Egg Whites.

I use them as a drink or to cook with which is as easy as just scrambling in a pan OR you can get creative and use them for delicious french toast.


1 Cup of Cake Batter Egg Whites

1/4 Cup So Delicious Coconut Milk (or any other milk)

1 tsp Cinnamon


  1. Combine your Cake Batter Egg Whites, milk, & cinnamon (if not using flavored egg whites I would add some vanilla extract and stevia to your batter).
  2. Soak your choice of bread in the mixture on both sides.
  3. Put into a medium-heat pan or griddle that is sprayed.
  4. Cook on both sides for about 2-3 minutes or until golden brown.


I usually just cook up (or drink) any extra of the liquid so I don’t waste!

I also layered mine with “Cream Cheese Frosting” which is just cream cheese mixed with some Sugarless Sugar for a sweet filling as well as syrup & strawberries. SO GOOD.

Try it out & let me know how you like it! This is a great combo of protein, fats, & carbs to fuel your day.

Be true to you,

xo Kasey