#Fitness4Cure & #strongerthansarcoma
September 5, 2012 -
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Gosh what a day yesterday…
after taking some time away from my computer over the weekend,
I sat down yesterday to post a weekend recap.
Then I got on Facebook to post an image of a BOOTCAMP that I’ve been planning
with great inspiration from @InstagramFitness & @Kmaecags!
They will be hosting bootcamps all next week to
help raise awareness for all types of cancer!
They asked if I’d be interested in hosting a BOOTCAMP in
Pittsburgh to help with this #Fitness4Cure cause!
Of course I said OF COURSE.
I know that many of us can say that we’ve all been affected in some way from cancer.
whether it be the loss of a loved one, or personally dealing with the disease.
My Grandma, Mimi, passed away from Ovarian cancer my senior year of high school.
along with numerous members of my family and friends being affected.
Therefore, I understand how it feels to watch someone fight this disease.
As I was posting the flier for this event next week;
I checked my facebook and realized I was invited to join a benefit for
#strongerthansarcoma –
which is the event hosted by my friend Erin for her brother.
here is her story:
“Erin’s 18 year old brother, Sean, was recently diagnosed with a rare form of cancer.
He has Ewing’s Sarcoma; a type of bone/soft tissue cancer that is most commonly found in adolescents.
Sean spends about 10 days a month in Children’s Hospital receiving chemotherapy treatments
and is also preparing for an upcoming surgery.
Erin is currently planning a “Group Fitness-a-thon” fundraiser in this cause!
The goal of this fundraiser is two-fold,
to raise awareness about Ewing’s Sarcoma,
and to lessen the burden of medical expenses while Sean is in the hospital.
Therefore, all of money that is made from Erin’s fundraiser
will go directly to medical payments and cancer research
Basically Erin is hosting a group fitness-a-thon
with a day of Group fitness taught
by some of our friends from College!
As I sat there reading all about this – the light bulb went off!
Let’s combine these two causes for my bootcamp next week!!
Not only will we be raising awareness for all different forms of cancer,
but we will be donating to an amazing cause #StrongerThanSarcoma
& be able to raise awareness for all types of cancer!
Since the theme of the night is GOLD for CHILDREN’s Cancer
please wear GOLD!!
So all day I’ve been a busy powercake,
trying to fix the details to my previous event!
Myself, and two other trainers (one being mamackes)
will be running 3 different workouts that the participants will rotate through!
An outdoor leg workout (taught by our friend Mary-Jean),
an indoor upper body TRX workout (taught by mamacakes),
& and indoor zumba workout (taught by yours truly)!
Also, we will have a Chinese auction with some awesome prizes donated by some amazing people!!
along with a friend of ours selling Stella & Dot charm bracelets
with all sales going towards the Stella & Dot Foundation!
You’re probably wondering where this will be,
well my future sister-in-law Angela owns a beautiful Fitness Center
with TONS of room for this! It was totally meant to be.
She just put in a JUNGLE GYM in the downstairs
that has crazy challenges on it
(like dog bone pull up bars, and monkey bars)
along with TRX bands hanging off in every angle!
Which I’m super excited cause I’ll be
teaching a TRX class a few days a week here!
Therefore, I am blessed to have the resources to host this BOOTCAMP!
it’s amazing how in such short time we can bring together all of these
amazing causes & amazing people who want to help!!
So here is the final Flier!
If you, or anyone you know, lives in or around the
this will be held at PURE ATHLETEX in Wexford PA
come on out to help us raise awareness and donate to these amazing causes!!
I hope one day that Cancer is just a Zodiac Sign.