Day 3: Believe in your bod! #RESTWEEK
April 10, 2013 -
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Good morning everyone! I hope you’re having a great Wednesday.
Can you believe we’re already almost half way through #RESTWEEK?
I tell ya, I’ve literally been so busy this week that having some extra time to get stuff done has been meant to be. I also am starting to really love how my body feels every morning – not stiff or sore, just refreshed & rested!
Not sure about your weather, but it was GORGEOUS here yesterday so mamacakes & I totally took advantage of this with a beautiful walk & talk! We just walked around the neighborhood & caught up on life while totally enjoying the blue skies.
@mamakasss spent her normal gym/yoga slot enjoying a tea, raw cookie, & journaling! This is beautiful.
Welcome to DAY THREE of #RESTWEEK.
Today’s “Morning Me Time” exercise might be the most important out of all of them because it really encourages you to take a look at your body not for what it looks like but for what is right here and right now…in this present moment. When you truly understand the concept that all we ever really have is NOW, your body takes on a new meaning. You’re not thinking about last night’s binge or restricting your food intake tomorrow because you are focused on giving your body what it needs in the present moment. That is believing in your body. And what could be more beautiful than that?
What is the one thing that really connects all people together? A desire to love, to be loved in return, and to connect with others on a heart-to-heart level.That’s it. Our bodies are vehicles of love and connection. Our bodies are how we express love. We’re not going to find love in food. We’re not going to find love in exercise. We’re going to find love in the gym. While those can be essential things to enhancing our well-being, they are not the key to happiness. True happiness is an inside job. And that starts with believing in your bod’s true purpose.
…which brings us to today’s “Morning Me Time” exercise. Take this exercise seriously. Put your heart and soul into it and I promise they will shine through you today. Remember we are doing ALL of this with you!
- Turn on your #RESTWEEK Playlist and get out your journal!
- Take a deep breath in and out.
- Allow yourself to feel safe in your body right now.
- Read on!
- Write the above affirmation down in your journal and head over to the mirror.
- Look yourself in the eyes and repeat this mantra to yourself. No, I’m not kidding! Let the music pour over you. Smile. Repeat this mantra to yourself while looking in your eyes.
- Now, look at your entire body and repeat the mantra to yourself again.
- Repeat this mantra to yourself slowly and honestly again, looking in your eyes.
- Head to a safe space and free write how this exercise made you feel. What is going through your head? Do you feel different about your body? Was it uncomfortable? Be honest! There are no wrong answers. Just follow your intuition’s voice. Allow your thoughts to guide the pen.
RESTweet Mantra Vlog!
Would you rather feed your mind happy thoughts or crappy thoughts? I think we can all agree that happy thoughts are way better. When we notice our fearful thoughts or anxious thoughts and then respond to them with loving mantras like this one, we’re literally re-training our brains. Studies show that when we think more positively, we open up more space for creativity and inspiration to come through. Use your mantra throughout the day. Set a reminder of your phone or computer, so that you can see the mantra pop up every hour. I do this and it has really gotten me through quite a few funky moments.
Facebook Chat TONIGHT!
We will be hosting a #RESTWEEK Facebook chat TONIGHT at 8:00 p.m. EST / 5:00 p.m. PST to answer any questions that you might have and your thoughts so far about taking 7 days of rest. The chat will take place on Heather’s Facebook page, so make sure you LIKE her page so you can take part in the girl chat. We can’t wait to connect with you all!
When a large group of people come together with a positive and healing-based intention, they have a great capacity to inspire others and impact other people in a big way. Don’t let this message stop here. We need you to share this beautiful message. Tweet it with the #RESTWEEK hash tag. Share it on your Facebook wall. Instagram it. Give your followers an excuse to fall in love with their bodies too.
Stay lovely and #beTRUEtoYOU,
Heather & Kasey