Day 1: Bless Your Bod! #RESTWEEK
April 8, 2013 -
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Day 1: Bless Your Bod!
By definition, to bless is to bestow upon, or to honor. Today, we are making a commitment to honor our bods. Log into Spotify and press the play button on your “#RESTWEEK Playlist.” Have your journal and a pen or pencil nearby, and let’s start making miracles happen!
Morning Me Time
Today, we’re going to dedicate our Morning Me Time to making a gratitude list. Gratitude is one of the most radical tools in our #RESTWEEK toolbox because it heightens your capacity to attract more of what you want into your life. When we are grateful for what we have in our lives (yes, even the tough stuff), life can show up for us in a big way. The same goes for our relationship with our bodies. When we are grateful for our bodies and what they have to offer us, we tap into how we can creatively use our bodies in this world as messengers of love and healing. Sound kinda far out? Just fake it ’til you make it.
If you want to change your perceptions about your body, you have to be willing and open to see your body for what it truly is: a vehicle through which you express love. Your body is not an inanimate object. Your body is a messenger of love. YOU are a messenger of love. To become more comfortable with this truth, we’re going to express gratitude for everything our bodies give to us.
- Turn on your #RESTWEEK Playlist and get out your journal!
- Take a deep breath in and out.
- Allow yourself to feel safe in your body right now.
- Read on!
We encourage you to really embrace this exercise and allow yourself to just let go and write. Remember that we’re doing all of this along with you. Give yourself this gift. Right here right now! Remember we’re doing ALL of this right along with you.
How Did It Go?
Did you have a really special experience? A new revelation? Or did you simply feel at peace after completing this exercise? We wanna know! Tweet us @heatherwaxman and @powercakes with the #RESTWEEK hash tag. Let’s get a body LOVE conversation going!
Throughout the day, if you notice a body image-related fear or attack thought come up, repeat this mantra. All it takes is one moment to completely change your perception of yourself. This is one of my favorite mantras to use. I repeat to myself every day and it is a beautiful reminder for me that the Universe is always supporting me and guiding me towards the next right action. Set a reminder on your phone or computer every hour. Seeing this every hour will help you remember that you truly are safe in your body right now.
When a large group of people come together with a positive intention, they have the capacity to inspire others and impact other people in a big way. Donβt let this message stop here. We need you to share this beautiful message too! If you feel inspired, tweet it with the #RESTWEEK hash tag. Share it on your Facebook wall. Instagram it. Give your followers an excuse to fall in love with their bodies too.
Stay lovely and #beTRUEtoYOU,
Heather & Kasey