October 3, 2012 -
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Today’s #PLANTPOWER Topic is YELLOW!
Fact: I’m a #squashaddict

& according to Tosca’s #CleanCarbs in October Contest
Squash is TOTALLY acceptable in the @EatCleanDiet!

which totally ties into Heather and I’s #plantPOWER challenge!

Inspired by Tosca’s pics; came up
with a #plantPOWER #CleanCarb #EatClean Fusion!

Note the back double bi brocolli/squash pose
& the yam bicep curlsWinking smile

gotta love being #FitFluential!

Fact: Plant based clean carbs are SO good for you!
They are total powerfoods offering not only #cleancarbs;
but fiber, minerals & vitamins!

so join us in celebrating these amazing POWEROODS
by including the hashtag #cleancarbs and @toscareno @eatcleandiet
when you post about your clean carb #plantPOWER foods!

Especially SQUASH!

I recently found DELICATA SQUASH in the grocery store
and couldn’t wait to roast them up!!

It’s so funny because I used to think that squash
was only for decoration and I never picked it up to eat!
Gosh, I was missing out on this amazing food and it’s benefits!

How I prepared mine:

  • Wash Squash
  • Peel off skin if you’d like.
  • Cut off Stem
  • Cut in half – lengthwise
  • Scoop out seeds
  • Spray with Coconut Oil Spray
  • Roast at 425 for 25-30 minutes!


Served these with some sautéed veggies in coconut oil,
topped with sundried tomatoes, HEMP SEEDS,
toasted Delicata seeds
(450 degrees, sprayed with coconut oil
and baked for 10ish min)
and mixed with 
nutritional yeast

Which is another YELLOW ingredient I LOVE!
I buy mine on www.iherb.com – coupon code XUG228 as always!
nooch facts

Nutritional Yeast is a powerhouse of nutrients
and can be a great addition to a healthy lifestyle;
especially for those who are vegan or vegetarian.

It is one of the few non-animal sources of B-12,
is rich in folic acid and many other nutrients and amino acids.
This is not your typical yeast and is free of the Candida Albicans strain,
making it safe for those concerned with candida.

It is grown on beet sugar and molasses, fermented,
and dried so it is gluten free and non-yeast forming in the body.

It’s loaded with :

One ounce of nutritional yeast contains 14 grams of protein and 79 calories.
Nutritional yeast is a fabulous alternative to animal-based protein.

High Fiber

Nutritional yeast contains a high amount of fiber, containing more than seven grams per ounce.

B Vitamins

Nutritional yeast’s yellow color comes from the B vitamin riboflavin.
Nutritional yeast is rich in B-complex vitamins,
making it a vital supplement for those who are not receiving their B vitamins from other sources.
Many brands of nutritional yeast also contain vitamin B12, which is essential for red blood cell production.



Here is some info on the amazing #plantPOWER
Delicata Squash thanks to

“Delicata squash, also sometimes known as sweet potato squash or Bohemian squash,
features yellow skin with green stripes on an oblong shape.

the delicata squash is easily chopped and sliced and
does not require roasting or baking to soften its flesh.


A 3/4-cup portion of delicata squash contains ONLY 30 calories,
making it an excellent choice in your #plantPOWER meal plan paired with a protein & veggie!


Delicata squash also fits into many low-carbohydrate eating plans —
a 3/4 cup serving had just 7 g of this macronutrient.


Incorporating delicata squash into your meal plan meets
nearly 3/4 of your daily requirement of vitamin A per serving.

Delicata squash also serves as a good source of vitamin C —
each 3/4-cup serving contains 15 percent of the amount your body requires each day.

One serving of delicata squash provides 2 percent of the daily recommended intake of both iron and calcium.


If you suffer from gluten intolerance, consider cutting delicata squash into noodle shapes or ribbons.
When raw, these squash noodles make a tasty and gluten-free replacement for regular pasta made of wheat.

You can top them with tomato sauce, as well as a variety of other sauces and toppings.
The skin of this squash is edible after roasting or baking, which saves you time in the kitchen.

It also boosts your nutrient intake —
the skin of vegetables often contains fiber and other vitamins and minerals.

Read more: {source}

Can’t wait to see your YELLOW #plantPOWER
check out
Heather’s YELLOW post
and Tosca’s #cleanCARB contest!
