Workout Wednesday, Core Strength, & What I’ve Been Eating!
November 5, 2014 -
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Hey all! Thank you SO much for your sweet comments on our Engagement! I’m still getting used to calling him my “fianceeeeeee”.
Last night I had a great time at the Hear Me Roar event and book launch for my girls Jenn & Lindsey! They co-wrote a book Hear Me Roar talking about sexual assault & bad ass ways to defend yourself & be confident. Love the mission of these ladies! My boy Trenton from Organically Social is always the Host With The Most as well – awesome job guys!
If you’re interested in deals from the Pittsburgh area in health & wellness – check out Trenton’s company Organically Social! Such an awesome local concept.
Other than workouts for today’s post, I’ve got some “what I’ve been eating” to share! With a busy schedule I find that my recipe creations sometimes lack BUT I’ve been so inspired by being on Pinterest so much lately (aka wedding searching for days), that I’ve been trying some new combos out!
This is a new one I’ll be sharing made with some different ingredients than you may expect ;]
I’m also still addicted to my squash – pumpkin, delicata, KABOCHA. You name it – I love it.
I’ve been all about the savory breakfasts lately, especially because Whole Foods has an amazing Harvest Kale salad when topped with Kabocha & dippy eggs is a go to breakfast.
Another favorite snack is VEGA Chocolate Protein (10$ off with coupon code XUG228 at checkout!) mixed with almond milk and topped with dark chocolate chips & raspberries.
And one of my favorite snacks? Popcorn! Ah, I forgot how much I love it until I get back into having it often. SO good.
Having filling breakfasts & lunches has been a priority for me since my workouts are now in the evening. I try to get a good combo of carbs, fats, & proteins to fuel my training later in the day.
With all the food, we need something to wash it down right? My friends at Honest Tea made my week the other day by sending me some of their new Organic Honest Tea K Cups for a Keurig! How awesome!
I’ve also been using that ice cube tray ever since. Love the whole package – thank you Honest Tea!
With all the fuel – my training has been great!
Part of last night’s training 30 seconds on with each move + a 10 second rest for 10 rounds med ball slam twists & med ball overhead reach & toss.
For the twists – keep back flat and core tight as you twist the med ball and throw it side to side. Why do I throw it down? The act of reaching down to get it instead of getting it off the bounce really gets more of a stretch and activates the core. Then with the reach & toss, take the med ball behind your head, tap the ground, sit up, & toss to catch. Awesome way to end training that day!
I’ve also been loving switching up some shoulder strength with kettlebells. Really makes you have to focus on the movement to stabilize.
I’m off to some meetings & packing for a road trip to visit family this weekend! Have a great Wednesday!
Be true to you,
xo Kasey
Ps. I’ve been OBSESSED with these lanterns for weddings. Thoughts!?