What I Wore Wednesday – “Winning” with Prana’s Cozy Up Fall Collection
October 10, 2018 -
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helllooooo my friends! How are we doing!?
First question is…where the heck did September go!? Does anyone else feel like they just blinked and all of a sudden September went POOF!
I have to admit that I absolutely love Summer (it’s my favorite) buttttttt…..there is something to be said about the little bit of chill in the air, the leaves starting to change over, pumpkins popping up on every corner, & wearing comfy layers.
I start slowly by wearing shorts & adding in a comfy sweatshirt, like this Zip Up Jacket from Prana’s Cozy Up Collection.
I’m obsessed with…coffee…and these comfy clothes!
They have definitely made it easier to transition into the Fall and can be paired with jean shorts for warmer days, jeans, or any bottom really for that cozy look.
Doesn’t this Cozy Up Sweatshirt just make you want to….cozy up? FOR REAL THOUGH.
I also love that Prana used Hemp in some of their pieces from the Fall line.
I learned that “The clothing industry is the second largest polluter in the world … second only to oil.” which is a statement from Eileen Fisher.
Prana uses hemp because Hemp requires very little water to grow, the crop is not hard on the soil, Hemp uses half as much land and water to grow vs. cotton resulting in more crop yield, and the plant doesn’t have any predators, so it is very easy to grow and requires little to no pesticides or chemicals.
How awesome is that.
This Cozy Up T-shirt goes perfectly with jeans shorts, joggers, jeans, or anything – to be honest! I added a little knot in the front for some zest but you can leave it un-knotted for that comfy look.
I mean, LOOK at these Cozy Up Pants!! I’m obsessed.
I’m wearing a medium, and to be honest, the waist was a bit big on me but it fit perfectly in my legs…where the small was too small on my legs, but perfect in the waist.
Lifting probZ?
I had a local tailor take in my waist a bit on the joggers and now they literally are my go-to, every day.
Which means…they are in the wash quite frequently!
You’ve heard me talk about my friends at WIN Detergent before — and now you’re hearing it again, with good reason.
WIN is a specially formulated detergent made to separate these trapped oils from your gear to ensure it smells fresh and performs like new! WIN does the work in one wash and renews your gear’s abilities so you can ditch the extra rinse, washes and fragrant sprays.
Every time I wash with WIN, my clothes come out smelling AMAZING & there is no linger of any, lovely, gym sweat.
Because…your girl basically sweats for a living…and WIN is helping my clothes last longer and smell better. It’s a WIN-WIN! ;] heyyoo!
Another win? The Verana Top from Prana that I literally have in EVERY color. My goal has been to sift through all of my clothes and CLEAN OUT some of the things I haven’t worn and donate them. I’m trying to invest in pieces that are high quality & that I can rotate between instead of having 1,000 tank tops that I don’t wear.
Ya feel me?
It’s all part of that Fall transition! I love cleaning out the old & making room for new….new that will actually last a long time and I won’t need to get rid of.
Anyone else do “Fall” or “Spring” cleaning when the new seasons approach?
I hope you guys have an awesome rest of your week!
Make sure to check out Prana’s pieces & WIN’s detergent — this is a winning combo, friends!
Ok, I’m done with the WIN jokes! For now.
You can use code “KBROprAna25″
for 25% off your order at PRANA.com!
Share your outfit (doesn’t have to be prana) on Instagram today and tag @prAna #WIWW (What I Wore Wednesday) #sweatpink and you’ll be auto-entered to win an item of your choice from prAna!
Be true to you,
xo Kasey
*This is a sponsored post by my friends at FitApproach, Prana, & WIN Detergent. All opinions are my own, as always! xo
*Photography by my girl @Mikayla_PascoPhotography