Triggerpoint Foam Roller [Day 6 Of The 17 Days Of Giveaways!]
December 11, 2016 -
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Happy day 6 of the 17 Days Of Giveaways, y’all! We are moving right along to my friends at Triggerpoint Therapy today and for GOOD reason!
Self-massage and foam rolling has so many benefits and I relay them to my clients, athletes, and social media as much as I can. Proper foam rolling promotes the flow of blood and oxygen—the nutrients needed to repair muscles.
I think that foam rolling is something people neglect to do but would see SO many benefits if they did not only in their recovery but in their performance as well.
Triggerpoint shares how foam rolling can create change:
“When muscles and surrounding tissue get stuck, the body is actually laying additional tissue down and forming a scar. We are probably aware of the scar that forms on the outside but a very similar response occurs on the inside. Therefore, during a deep tissue massage the therapist is actually breaking the bond of the scar tissue.
According to a 2011 study in the “Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine,” in deep-tissue massage, the manipulation of muscle tissue causes an immediate reduction by about 18 percent of the hormone arginine vasopressin, a hormone that restricts blood vessels and raises blood pressure.
This reduction initiates what is known as the “relaxation response,” a mechanical response that encourages circulation, enhances the delivery of oxygen and lowers blood pressure. Additionally, massage initiates a reduction of the stress hormone cortisol, thus creating feelings of relaxation.”
So not only are you benefiting your muscles but you are also benefiting your body by feeling less tense, less stressed, and more relaxed.
I recommend watching this 1 minute video on self-massage with the GRID Foam Roller.
My friends at Triggerpoint are giving away one of their GRID Foam Rollers which is:
Triggerpoint is giving away 1 GRID roller to a lucky reader — enter below! (US only) I highly recommend checking out TP’s other products such as their massage balls, hand held stick (STK) rollers, & more options of their foam rollers.
GOOD LUCK & be true to you,
xo Kasey
a Rafflecopter giveaway