Thursday thoughts: does comparison steal your joy? #letyourselfglow
July 17, 2014 -
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Hey all! I hope you’re having a great week! I can’t even explain to you how amazing our #letyourselfglow twitter chat was last night with FitFluential! The inspiration and support amongst all of the participants was beautiful.
When moments like last night happen (and sometimes happens in a FLASH because that hour flew by! My fingers are still a bit tired from typing so fast.) you see so many people, including myself, being able to totally relate and connect to one another.
Being a trainer, I am often much more than that to my clients. During a workout, a lot of emotions can come out. When I ask someone to do something they’ve never done before, they sometimes may instantly question their ability and be like, “I can’t do that.” Or “you make it look easy, I can’t do it like you.” I look them directly in the eyes and say, would I truly give you something with a purpose of you failing? Absolutely not. I believe in you.
Now sometimes things happen, and maybe a weight needs to be lighter in order to complete it, BUT the point is that if you believe in yourself prior to the challenge, you will find a way to overcome it.
After a workout the other day with my client, she tweeted this quote.
After seeing her believe in herself to complete a new challenge, and then leave feeling CONFIDENT in herself is truly what makes my job so rewarding.
But does this confidence issue carry over into other aspects of our lives? Absolutely.
This came up last night during our chat when one of our questions for the chat was “Do you compare your body to other peoples bodies?”
This question really hits home with me, and I know it hits home with a lot of you. Whether it is confidence in performing a new workout or confidence in our own bodies – owning who we truly are seems to be the issue.
Do I still struggle with comparison? Yes, and I’m not here to tell you that I don’t. I think all of us deal with comparison but it’s up to us to reel ourselves back in, take a deep breath, and breath in “I am true to me.”
Loved this response from Allie! Comparison truly is the thief of joy.
Have you ever done something awesome and then 2 seconds later you compare your awesomeness to someone else’s awesomeness and then that instant joy you once had is gone?
Been there, done that.
Now I don’t have a daughter, but I can relate to what Robin said because I’ve seen my mom look in the mirror and compare herself to maybe a fellow trainer or a friend, and although I look at her and see absolutely nothing wrong, It can sometimes make me question – well, does that mean something is wrong with me?
Maybe if we focused on a positive thought when we look in the mirror – others around us will pick up on that vibe instead of a negative one.
How powerful is that? And so so true.
I love what Sara said too! In the comparison game, no one ever wins. I couldn’t agree more. The theme of last nights chat totally turned into not only letting yourself glow, but also focusing more on building each other up rather than putting someone down. In that game, way more people will win.
(Lauren Carey Photography)
What does is truly mean to let yourself glow? A question that can require a lot of soul searching to dig deep to really find what is holding you back from letting the true you shine. Our (Katie, Heather, & I) purpose with the GLOW Retreat in August is to bring together a bunch of amazing women to enjoy fun, food, fitness, meditation, yoga, empowering workshops, and much more with a goal of finding your own strength and glow.
There will be no comparison, no judging, and we will do our best to help there be no lack of confidence.
I am constantly inspired by everyone around me & last nights chat was a sure example of that. Thank you everyone who was involved and our amazing sponsors Vega, Under Armour Women, Harbinger Fitness, HumanX Gear, Nutrex-Hawaii, Mamma Chia, So Delicious, & Soul Candy Company for providing a fun GLOWswag prize pack for one tweeter!
A special 15% FitFluential coupon code is going on in honor of our twitter chat by entering FFGLOW at checkout!
We hope to see you in August!
Be true to you,
Xo Kasey