T-Rotation Plank Power Plates Challenge!
February 11, 2014 -
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Good morning everyone! I hope you had a great Monday! Last nights dinner that I posted to [Instagram] was one that is definitely worth repeating:
Winner winner mung bean noodle spaghetti dinner – hiyo!
This was delish. Made this for the boy & I. It was mung bean noodles (made with just mung beans & water with over 20g of protein per serving! I find them at a local healthy food store but not at whole foods yet!) the brand is Explore Asia.
Topped with red sauce, roasted asparagus, olives, & garlic/herb goat cheese! so good! Definitely will be making this combo again.
Have you ever had mung bean noodles? I came across them at a local spot called Soergels & I’ve been getting them ever since!
Today for the Power Plates Challenge we’ve got T ROTATIONS! Combing a great full body & core exercise with paper plates = a great addition to your Tuesday.
The goal with a t rotation is to start in a plank, bring your one leg up then back as you rotate to a side plank with your arm up.
Hold that position and then repeat on the other side.
Make sure to keep your core tight and a nice strong upper body to support the movement.
You got this!!
Repeat the exercise for a set of reps or for a certain amount of time. Let us know how it goes!
Don’t forget you can still join in! Just click [here] & accept the challenge.
The challenge loop is FILLED with daily motivation!! LOVE it.
Don’t forget to follow myself & @Iamhealthyfit for daily videos!
I’m off for a busy day before the Hear Me Roar event – have a great Tuesday!
Be true to you,
xo Kasey