Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone & WHY It Will Help You!
August 27, 2015 -
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Have you ever felt scared to step out of your comfort zone?
Comfort zones are a place where you feel safe with the way things are and it would be scary to step out into something new. Whether it’s with fitness or food, myself & my clients have had to step out of our comfort zones to REALLY see the CHANGE we want to see.
So often, we tend to stay stagnant in our comfort zones so that we don’t have to do something that is “hard”.
Now let’s put it this way…
When is the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone and you learned something new about yourself or a situation?
Maybe it’s a new job, a relationship, a new workout, or a new food choice – but I can almost guarantee that stepping into this new thing made you grow.
A few weekends back I was finishing up running some sprints by the ocean…I mean, I just feel thankful that I can even say sprints by the ocean in the same sentence.
When I was cooling down, I thought to myself — gosh sprints are so challenging BUT I love stepping into them and really seeing what I can do.
Right then it hit me to challenge others to step outside of their comfort zone to try something new.
So, I took to Periscope (you can find me @Powercakes) and I challenged those who would take the challenge to hashtag #SCOPECAKES and try something out of their comfort zone that weekend … AND document it on social media.
Here is the link my periscope video —> [click here]
I may do something again like this because I feel like this would be SO beneficial for people – but my group of ladies who really stepped up – blew me away!
A big shout out today to Hannah, Mary-Ann, & Valerie.
Mary-Ann, who is the mom to one of my athletes Kaleigh, stepped out of her comfort zone by doing a high ropes coarse.
She texted me this picture and said how scared she was but had so much fun doing this with her daughter. How awesome!!
Hannah, rocked my socks, and posted 1 thing she did for 7 days to step out of her comfort zone like speaking at her sister’s wedding, working out on a playground, & taking time to RELAX.
and my lovely friend Val who posted this on a day she took a rest day from the gym;
Do you ever find yourself feeling uncomfortable just to take a rest/recovery day?
It’s amazing how much we can learn about ourselves to just step into something new. I challenge you to try it!
So, leave a comment below stating what you will challenge yourself to do in the next few days to step out of YOUR comfort zone.
You never know who you will inspire!
Be true to you,
xo Kasey
PS check out a new YOUTUBE video up on the channel & subscribe [here]!