Self-Love Coaching With My Soul Sister, Heather Waxman! Secure your spot TODAY!

November 7, 2014 -
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Hey all! Happy Friday! Currently hanging with the family in South Carolina. Not only do I get to see the family, but I also get an extra bonus to hang with this little fur ball, Kennedy!


While I’m with the fam, I want to feature my soul sister, Heather Waxman! I am so proud of us as a pair for our recent launch of BODYpeace but I am also proud of what Heather is doing in her own space of mentoring & coaching.

15653682615_f10e355aae_nWe always tell each other how grateful we are that we can work together so well, yet also work just as hard in our own business’s.

10624705_10152666993435342_5840959130327155081_nHeather recently launched a whole new program of Self-Love Coaching & I highly recommend checking it out and I’ll tell you first hand experience why that is.


Over a year ago whenever Heather first came to Pittsburgh, My mom & I got a gift that we didn’t even realize we would get over that weekend. As I moved back from college and was in my “in between” phase of figuring out my path – my mom and I were butting heads. You see, whenever you move back home after being on your own for 4 years – sometimes it’s a struggle to find that balance again while living with your Parents. They do things one way and now you have your own way of doing things – which can sometimes result in friction. As much as I love Mamacakes – it was time for someone else to step in from an outside perspective and truly get to the reasoning behind what was going on.

Heather has a way about her that is so calming yet affirmative to get to the route of what is going on. We ended up spending the afternoon all sitting in the living room, shedding some tears, getting out the feelings we had built up inside, hugging, & then meditating. This was my first experience truly being one of Heather’s clients – and let me tell you, ever since that day – my Mom and I’s relationship has been so much stronger than it was during that earlier time.

I highly believe in what Heather is doing. She not only helps others but she PUTS IN THE WORK on her end DAILY to truly get to the route of feelings in order to help you. I can’t explain to you how passionate she truly is until you get the opportunity to work with her. I always say that a good coach is a great student – always  learning more to help their clients.

If you feel like you need to find yourself deeper – I highly recommend signing up for Heather’s program today!

‘You’ve read the self-help books. You’ve scanned the articles. You’ve watched the YouTube videos. You’ve watched the teleseminars. You’ve been to the inspiring lectures. It’s safe to say that you’ve dipped your toes into the spiritual pool.

BUT…You feel like you can’t focus. You feel like you can’t stay devoted and consistent. Your spiritual practice feels more like a chore than a choice. And You need focus. You need clarity. But you keep coming up against this invisible wall of resistance. And you’re not sure how to climb over it. Why?

Because you’re scared shitless of learning to love yourself.

Are you ready to commit to learn to love yourself through your spiritual practice?’ 

Here is why Heather is the coach for you:


Click here to learn more about her program! Also, her good friend Tara Bliss just posted an amazing article about Heather today as well, check that out [here]!

So proud of you Heather & so thankful to call you my soul sister!

Be true to you,

xo Kasey





Category: Blog

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