January 4, 2016 -
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It’s that time of the year again y’all! The NEW YEAR! With the new year comes tons of resolutions, goals, & FREE STUFF? Yup – free samples!
I’ve partnered up with my friends from the Sampler again to bring to you a week of free samples!
The week is titled “New Year New You” and that can really be looked at in many different ways. Not necessarily that you need to be a new you – I think you are just fine the way you are ;] I think there can always be new versions of ourselves that we learn about throughout the year and these fun samples will help kick off your 2016.
New Year New You is a one week online event where you have the opportunity to discover amazing brands and send their awesome products to a friend.
You send a sample by RSVPing to see the calendar of the time & day that each company hosts their event on their Facebook page. There are thousands of products in the sampling events and Flash Giveaways throughout the week to be claimed.
Before a sampling event starts I highly recommend that you go & “wish for” the sample. Wishing for a sample will let your friends and family know that you’d really like to receive the product.
Once the event begins, your friends will need to be on the right New Year New You tab on that Company’s Facebook back to “send you” the sample. We all recommend that you BUDDY UP up with a friend so you can make sure that you each get a sample.
You send one to them & they send one to you = WIN WIN!
To begin this whole process, you need to first RSVP.
This RSVP will enter you to into a giveaway to win a grand prize basket filled with prizes from the sponsors of the event and will also give you access to the Sampler calendar so you know exactly when & what time your favorite brands are holding their Sampler Event.
From Monday, January 11 – Thursday, January 14 multiple companies will be hosting Sampling Events where you can send samples to friends at certain times.
There are multiple Sampling events each day at the time and place listed on the calendar (which you access by RSVPing as indicated above). When the event starts, you will want to click through FAST when it goes live. (I swear these samplings go so quick you’ve to be one of the first ones!)
You can only send product samples to Facebook friends. That’s why I encourage you to buddy up & “wish for it” so if you want a sample, a friend will have to send it to you.
For example: if an event goes live at 11am, try to be there the second it turns 11 to click through & send your sample.
*Please note that the event does not happen on the Brand’s Facebook timeline, but on the New Year, New You tab on their facebook page.
In addition to the sampling events, there will be a flash giveaway each day hosted on a participating blogger’s Facebook page. These will also go live at the time listed on the calendar that you will get from RSVPing.
There are some awesome brands participating & you will have the opportunity to receive them all if you are QUICK enough! Here is an overview of what you’ll be Sampling:
I love me some tea, especially in the colder months. Rishi Tea is an all organic company with tons of different options for any Tea enthusiast.
Rishi Tea offers a new filter mesh material from plant based resources that yields a greater extraction ratio and infusion quality than any other tea bag.
I love having a cabinet fully stocked of good spices. I grew up with my Dad seasoning the pan before he started cooking.
The Spice Hunter has tons of great quality all natural & organic options such as oregano for my eggs or cinnamon for my oats!
You all know that I love me some Explore Asian noodles! These goodies are loaded with protein and not-loaded with anything but beans & water.
I literally am still in awe over how beans can be made into this protein boosting pasta but I’ll take it! They also have brown rice Thai noodles that I love using for either traditional pasta dishes or getting fancy in the kitchen with a new Pinterest recipe.
Popcorn & hot tea on a cold night? Sounds perfect to me.
JOLLY TIME popcorn has tons of different flavors options whether you just want to go plain, flavored, or add some salt & butter. I truly believe in balance & enjoying what you want in a moderation that works for you so JOLLY TIME fits right into that category for me!
Plus, they offer Organic popcorn for those who may want to pop their own & they also share each growers story on their site which I thought was pretty cool.
This is a new company I got to try out called Kura. Kura Nutrition offers protein smoothie powder: GMO and gluten-free, with natural ingredients and no added sugar.
Kura is for all ages and is fortified to give the entire family a strong start to the day with 14 grams of protein and over 90% of an individual’s recommended dietary allowance of vitamins A, C and D. Kura contains 26 vitamins and minerals to increase energy and boost brain and heart health while fighting free radicals.
The protein that they use in their smoothie is a Grass Fed & 100% free range from New Zealand pastures. Each serving of Kura has 14 grams of dairy protein, 4 billion prebiotics and probiotics, and over 5 grams of omega 3 fatty acids. That’s equal to 4x the omega 3s fatty acids in a single serving of salmon.
I love anything in an easy to go packet that can liven up my water! I swear if my water tastes good, I will drink way more of it.
VoloVitamins not only are easy to drink which you can add to your water, but they also taste good are packed with seventeen different fruits in their proprietary blend with no added sugar (sweetened with stevia) and no artificial flavors.
All the vitamins and nutrients your body needs are packed into each serving of VoloVitamins. You can click [here] to see the full product label.
I am always up for finding some Eco Friendly cleaners to use in our apartment so I was pumped whenever I got introduced to Better Life. As seen on ABC’s Shark Tank, Better Life is committed to all natural cleaning products.
They offer everything you could need to use in your house such as laundry detergent, kitchen cleaner, glass cleaner, produce wash, liquid dish soap, stainless steel polish, & wood cleaner.
Terry Naturally Vitamins was a new company that I was introduced to and once I did some research, their products are pretty impressive.
They are all natural products which claim to be a safer alternative to other forms of pills. Their Curamin Extra Strength is an award winning pain formula for safe & effective pain relief using Curcumin, BosPure Boswellia, DLPA which helps support brain endorphins, & Nattokinase which supports blood flow.
As with any type of supplement you could definitely talk to your Doctor first as well as checking out their website for this product information.
GNC is a go-to stop for myself whenever I need to pick up a protein filled snack or need some more vitamin C drops. You can truly get whatever you need there by checking the Canadian [store locator] near you.
*This is a Canada only event.
The Greeniche label carries numerous natural vitamins for complete nutrition regardless of dietary restrictions and are constantly developing more to suit the needs of their consumers.
Their product portfolio also includes the safest and most versatile sugar substitutes on the market (the stevia pictured above), as well as a line of natural vitamins.
I am a huge fan of Stevia in my coffee every morning or in some Richi tea from above. The to-go packets make it super easy to bring along in my purse as well for grabbing coffee with a friend.
*This is a Canada only event.
So, as you can see, you have the change to sample all of these amazing items!
Again, I highly suggest RSVPing so you can be entered to win a gift basket filled with all of these great brands and get access to the sampling calendar so you don’t miss out on any of the great samples, buddy up with a partner, & keeping an eye on the schedule to be QUICK to the Company’s facebook pages when their samples go LIVE.
Thank you Sampler for partnering again & offering Powercakes readers a chance to participate!
Leave a comment below letting me know which product you’re most excited to send or receive.
Be true to you,
xo Kasey