My Top 10 MostFit Core Hammer Moves!
December 10, 2016 -
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Happy weekend, friends!! Super excited to bring to you this weekend a couple of my favorite movies using the MostFit Core Hammer thanks to my friends at SweatPink & MostFit for partnering up for this post!
You can get 10% off MostFit using ‘MFSW10’ at checkout!
I’ve worked with MostFit before their products are absolutely awesome. I’m always looking for a way to challenge my workouts from the typical movements the core camera totally does that.
My clients also love/hate when I show up with equipment like this because they know they’re going to get a challenging & different workout that day.
I originally had the 8 pound core hammer but now I was able to try out the 12 pound core hammer and oh my gosh! I absolutely love that 4lb extra jump for some more challenging moves but I also love the 8 pound hammer as well for the fundamental core movements.
Don’t forget you can get 10% off MostFit using ‘MFSW10’ at checkout!
Sledgehammer workouts are dynamic, fun, and now safe. Sledgehammer training engages all of your muscles and challenges your cardiovascular system. It’s great for athletes, fitness savvy folks, and even casual exercisers. The MostFit Core Hammer weighs only 8 or 12 Lbs offering a portable sledgehammer workout without a tire.
Below are my top 10 movements that I hope you try out and I’ll be posting each video on INSTAGRAM!
1) Core Hammer Slam – the go to slam with the core hammer! There is definitely a proper way to do this movement so I suggest watching this video to see. Very important to have your CORE set and you will definitely feel this!
2) Push Ups – simple yet effective!! I love doing these at the slight angle that core hammer provides.
3) Burpee Core Hammer Slam – combining a go-to burpee with the go-to sledgehammer slam…KILLER COMBO!
4) Lunge Jump With Rotation – I absolutely love this movement because 1) you feel your core fire up 100% and 2) it’s a full body movement that gets the heart rate bumpin.
5) Seated Extended Twist – Sitting in a “v-sit” with feet on or off the ground, you take the core hammer to one side keeping the core tight and then pulling it back to the center for 10 reps before switching sides.
6) Sumo Squat Front Raise – Do a sumo squat and then a front raise with the core hammer. The weight will disperse to one side so it’s a great way to fire up the core. Make sure to do both sides!
7) Single Arm Overhead Press – I love this one! You can focus on 1 arm at a time with the press before swapping to the other side.
8) Plank Hold Leg Raises – Simple yet effective – my favorite! Just plank off of the core handle and raise one leg at a time focusing on glutes & core.
9) Kneeling Single Arm Overhead Press – Same movement as above but kneeling. This is a good way to really bring in the core as you press one arm into an overhead press at a time. Make sure to have the opposite leg forward than which you are pressing.
10) Kneeling Sledgehammer – Go right from your overhead press into a kneeling sledgehammer slam with the core hammer. This REALLY targets the core as you rotate to slam the hammer.
Just typing this all up makes me want to get back at it with the corehammer! Don’t forget you can get 10% off MostFit using ‘MFSW10’ at checkout!
Have an awesome weekend & be true to you,
xo Kasey
This is a sponsored post between myself, MostFit, & FitApproach but as always, all opinions are my own!