Manitoba Harvest Happy Hemp Hearts Event and Valentines Hemp Heart Smoothie!

February 11, 2015 -
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Hey all & happy Thursday!

With Valentines day right around the corner, why not show your friends some lovin’ this year – with food!

I mean…food is the way straight to my heart.

On Monday February 16th, my friends from Manitoba Harvest will be launching their Happy Hemp Hearts Event in honor of Heart Health Month that you don’t want to miss.


Not only will you fill your friends heart with happiness – but they will also get an extra boost from the heart healthy benefits of Hemp Hearts!

How to participate:

  1. Go to the Manitoba Harvest Facebook page and click the “Happy Hemp Hearts” tab.
  2. From there, if you are one of the first 300 people to access the promotion each day, you will be invited to send a sample to a friend!
  3. If you want to make sure your friends send YOU a sample, then make sure to head on over to the Manitoba Harvest page and share the promotion on your Facebook wall.
  4. By doing this, you will let your entire friends network know you would like to receive the sample!

*Starting on Monday at 1pm EST and running all the way through until Friday, Manitoba Harvest will be releasing 300 samples that will be released each day, so make sure you aren’t late for the 1pm EST launch each day!


Let’s chat about where Hemp seeds come from.

Manitoba Harvest states that ‘Food, clothing, rope, paper, building materials, animal bedding/herd, plastic, paint, fuel – the list of hemp applications goes go on and on. We like to call hemp the “green buffalo” as every part of the plant can be used. Hemp that is grown in Western Canada is primarily used for hemp foods. At the top part of the hemp plant you will find the hard hemp seed. This small seed “seeds” nutritiously delicious products like Hemp Hearts, hemp protein powder, and hemp oil.

Hemp Seeds have:

  • All 20 amino acids, including the 9 essential amino acids (EAAs) our bodies cannot produce.
  • A high protein percentage of the simple proteins that strengthen immunity and fend off toxins.
  • High source of essential fatty acid, with more essential fatty acid than flax or any other nut or seed oil.
  • A perfect 3:1 ratio of Omega-6 Linoleic Acid and Omega-3 Linolenic Acid – for cardiovascular health and general strengthening of the immune system.

How do I use them? I love to sprinkle them on salads, oatmeal, or mix into dips as well as blending into smoothies!

Guys, they make smoothies so smooooth & creamy- it’s unreal.


Hemp Hearts Valentine Smoothie

  • 1.5 Cups of So Delicious Unsweet Vanilla Coconut Milk (my favorite!)
  • 1 Frozen Banana
  • 1/2 Cup (or so) of fresh or frozen strawberries
  • 1 handful of raw spinach
  • 2 BIG spoonfuls of Manitoba Harvest Hemp Hearts!(10g of protein in 3 tablespoons!) hiyo!
  • 1 Scoop of Manitoba Harvest Protein Powder

How To:

  1. Add all ingredients into a blender & blend!
  2. Add more liquid if you want it to be a thinner consistency but I personally like to eat mine in a bowl.
  3. Top with any toppings you like for some texture & crunch!

I hope you take advantage of the free samples next week for your friends & they return the favor!

Have a great Thursday & be true to you,

xo Kasey


Category: Blog

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