I’m being featured on Tosca Reno’s Blog!
May 1, 2012 -
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hi all!
So today I have the privilege of being featured on
Tosca Reno’s Blog!
For those of you who don’t know who Tosca is,
she is basically the CLEAN EATING QUEEN.
Not only is she an inspiration of mine,
but she inspires so many to live a “clean” eating lifestyle!
Along with her column in Oxygen magazine,
she now writes a column for Clean Eating magazine,
& is a regular contributor to Reps! magazine.
Tosca hit the stage again for the Miss Bikini America physique competition
in Las Vegas at the age of 49,
proving that you are only as old as you feel.
She lives by the following credo by Goethe:
“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”
[you can find her full bio here]
I had the amazing opportunity to meet Tosca at
the Arnold Sports Festival this year!
We both share a passion for fitness & clean eating.
She was at the OXYGEN booth, which is my favorite magazine, hands down!
I get so excited every time I get that magazine in the mail to check out the recipes
& all of the amazing athletes that they highlight!
Speaking of OXYGEN Mag,
recently Tosca lost her husband
& publisher of the magazine,
Robert Kennedy.
“It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of
our publisher, mentor and friend, Robert Kennedy.
On April 12 2012, he lost his valiant battle with cancer.
While he will be acutely missed, his legacy and spirit will be kept alive in his magazines,
books and artwork, as well as in the hearts and minds of all whose
lives have been touched by his talent, vision and passion for life.” [source]
Tosca has been blogging about her experience through this hard time
& her positive attitude towards her situation is so inspiring!
My thoughts & prayers are with her & her family!
With that being said…
I cannot be more thankful to have the opportunity
to be featured on Tosca’s blog today!
She just came out with a new book
“The Eat Clean Diet Vegetarian Cookbook”
I was asked to provide a recipe that went with the theme of this book
& I was super excited because my
POWERCAKES are vegetarian friendly!
(along with a bunch of my recipes & I have a VEGAN POWERCAKE RECIPE coming up soon!)
I shared my recipe for my
Chocolate Powercakes
with Strawberry CHIA JAM!
So head on over to her BLOG
& check out my Guest Post please!!
Again, I can’t thank them enough for this opportunity!