Top Reasons Why You Should Attend a LIVE IDEA Personal Training Convention.
May 22, 2019 -
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Happy SPRING, y’all! YAYY for warmer weather, am I right!? We’ve totally been taking advantage of being outside as much as possible when that sun is shining.
There’s no better sign of the weather getting warmer than seeing these beautiful cherry blossoms right after landing in DC for the IDEA Personal Training East Convention a few weeks back.
For those that don’t know, IDEA is a Health & Fitness Association with over 275,000 Fitness Professionals as members.
Being an IDEA member means you have access to articles and videos, conferences, CEC courses for your continuing education, and Fitness Connect where you can connect with other IDEA Trainers from all over the world.
My mom has been in the industry for over 25 years as a Personal Trainer and has been an IDEA member for many of those years.
She’s attended years of conferences and always came back from them with such inspiration & motivation that I couldn’t wait to start attending them together!
We also were joined by her 2 training partners from Pittsburgh, Mary Jean & Bina — who I’ve known my whole life and have also inspired me to do what I do.
Going to these conferences has completely leveled up my Personal Training game.
Not only have I met LIFELONG friends, but I’ve met Fitness Professionals that are at the top in our industry and we get FIRST HAND experiences with them.
You’re learning from THE BEST in our industry & surrounded by those who are in this for the right reasons.
You don’t just go and sit at a table all day and take notes…you are interactive, learning, sweating, chanting, running, laughing, & MOTIVATED to take what you learn and bring it back to your clients.
Plus my clients (looooooovve) when I come back from an IDEA conference and have 1,000 new ideas to do with them ;]
They basically make this same face that I’m making in this lovely picture…single leg hamstring curls are no joke.
While at this past IDEA East conference, I met 2 younger girls in their early 20’s who made the choice to go to the conference.
I happen to be partners with them in different workshops and couldn’t hold back (me talking? I know, shocking) from telling them how AWESOME it is that they are taking this step at the beginning stages of being a trainer.
We chatted for a while on how being IN PERSON just changes the game from only watching something online.
It truly is a game changer to meet, connect, & learn from the best.
On top of the hundreds of workshops you can attend, there is also an expo area set up to learn about the new products in our industry and connect with the brands.
My friends from NOW foods were these so of course I spent lots of time at their booth.
ANDDDD another great thing? You get to reconnect with your fitness besties! Like my girl Tasha here — love you, sister! And hearing our guy Brett Klika chat about nutrition. He’s the best & doing amazing things.
While also meeting friends from the social media world like Sara!
I just can’t say enough about how these conferences have truly molded me into the trainer I am today and I can’t wait to continue to grow in this industry.
If you’re in the West Coast (or looking to travel — heyoo!) the next IDEA WORLD Convention is coming up June 26th-30th in Anaheim, CA!
I’m sad I won’t be at this one this year BUT if you’re truly interested in leveling-up as a Personal Trainer, you don’t want to miss it.
Chat soon, y’all!
Be true to you,
xo Kasey