How my clients & I #TakeAction with Action Wipes!
March 29, 2014 -
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hey all! Happy Saturday! Hit the gym this morning with Coreycakes! It’s been a while since we’ve got to work out together and my jello arms are proof that it was much needed. It’s great when he’s my trainer & really pushes me to go that extra rep.
When the tables are turned, and I’m the Trainer, I love to help push my clients (in a safe way) to reach a new level or goal. I get SO pumped for them whenever I say those dreaded words…”3 more” or “2 more” reps and they look at my like I’m crazy. BUT yet they continue to push PAST what I originally asked for. Hiyooo!
With my new schedule as a strength & conditioning coach on top of personal training, running my blog, & working on many behind the scenes projects – it’s safe to say that I am constantly on the go!
Not every day do I have a chance to snag a shower in between clients or classes and that’s where Action Wipes fits into my day perfectly for an instant shower – without the shower!
You’ve probably seen me mention before my love for Action Wipes…
….get it……..sweaty heart? I know, I know – I’m quite a comic.
I met the Action Wipe Team at the IDEA Fitness World Convention over the summer & we totally hit it off! I love their motto of “Taking Action” in whichever sport or workout you love.
I’m pumped that I have the opportunity to be an Action Wipe Actioneer Ambassador to not only take care of my body, but really take care of those around me who have to be around my sweaty body throughout the day Even though I totally just sweat roses.
Action Wipes are a pre-moistened, all natural body wipe created specifically for when you don’t have the time or facilities to bathe or shower. Action Wipes are made with a natural, clean, fresh,& aromatic scent.
Not only are they great for when I go from teaching a spin class to training a client without time to grab a shower, but clients have become fans as well!
The other day, after teaching a great Power Hour class at GNC with some Harbinger Resistance Bands (also perfect for a traveling trainer)…
…one of the lovely ladies Michelle mentioned about finding wipes to clean off before heading back to work. You see, I teach a class on their lunch hour so they go from work, to my class, to lunch then work again. Sometimes within that day it’s hard to grab a shower!
Right when she said that, I lit up and was like, “WAIT! I have the perfect thing for you ladies to try!”
I proceeded to run to my bag & grab out the single Action Wipes to give them all a sample to try.
One of the first things they loved was the SMELL! You can thank the therapeutic essential oils of tea tree and eucalyptus; combined with other all natural, plant derived ingredients, & the added bonus of how they can remove sweat, dirt & odor!
Check out these strong ladies who totally crush every workout I give them!
My friends at Action Wipes are offering a 25% off coupon code when you use “Pcakes” at checkout! Keep an eye out for more fun adventures with myself, team action wipes, & the rest of the Actioneers!
How do you “Take Action” with what you love to do?
Have a great Saturday!
Be true to you,
xo Kasey