Fueling Snack Demo With Elementary Students! [Recap]

May 13, 2015 -
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Hey all! Hope you’re having a good start to your week.

Tons of new things happening in KaseyArena.Com land with the new online training – CAN’T WAIT to keep you posted! woo woo!

Anywho – today I wanted to share my recap of a great opportunity I had last week with Elementary Students in Ohio!


One of my best friends from college, Courtney, is the PE Teacher at an Ohio Elementary School. Courtney won a Play 60 Grant for her school to do things like a healthy cooking demo & a ride your bike to school week! Courtney truly cares about her students and this is a prime example of that.

I was able to be the guest of the day and make chia jam & smoothies for the students throughout their lunch periods!

Grades k-5 all came up to my table where I explained what chia jam was (which we served on a rice cake) & the smoothie recipe.

I explained to the kids how these foods like fruit & chia seeds help fuel your body to have energy to play their sports & be active.

Kids are SO adorable. The things they were saying were priceless like how they couldn’t wait to make these rcipes at home with their parents & how they wish I could be in the Cafeteria every day ;] too cute!


We made ONE huge batch of chia jam by blending a blender full of strawberries, blueberries, some honey, & 1 bag of chia seeds into this large bowl.


chia jam 2

chia jam

It was a great experience & I also got to see Courtney in her element so I was a proud friend!


Anytime I do an event, I rock these GLOW Charms from my friend Meg. She made these for me & I call them my lucky bracelets. You can check her blog out here! Meg was at the first Glow Retreat and I’m so happy to have met her! xo

After school, we spent some time with Courts puppies — Frankie & Kyrie.




How cute!?


Then we headed out for an amazing dinner! Courtney mentioned earlier in the day that we would be getting salmon salads as we both love to EAT. We met her husband Ryan & enjoyed an awesome meal.

I had about a 2 hour ride home so I headed out not too late but it was such an amazing day that it made any amount of travel worth it. I love my girl Courtney, even if she does look like my child in this next picture.


Pretty awesome how after college you can see your friends truly doing what they love. Being able to be a part of that really meant a lot.

Have a great rest of your day & be true to you,

xo Kasey





Category: Blog

One response to “Fueling Snack Demo With Elementary Students! [Recap]”

  1. Cassie says:

    I love chia jam and rice cakes!! It’s the best with peanut butter too 😛 anyways, what a fun day you had! Do you love working with kids?

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