Proper Form for Lat Pull-down
There was a lady in the gym this morning who was doing a “lat pull down”
and pulling the bar behind her head.
(insert painful face expression here)
My mom, who is a personal trainer, will tell you that pulling the Lat Pull Down bar behind your head is one of the worst things you can do for your joints! It is an UN-natural movement that is putting stress on your joints instead of working your muscles.
This is the proper form..
not this…
I went to the other Lat Pull Down machine that was across from the women.
The women took notice of my form and
proceeded to do her next set with proper form!
We made eye contact and smiled,
which made me feel like I taught her something new without saying anything :]
So there’s your fitness lesson of the day!
One of the most important reasons
for maintaining proper form is to prevent injuries.