Natural Vitality Calm Magnesium [Day 13 of The 17 Days Of Giveaways]
December 18, 2016 -
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Happy day 13 of the 17 days of giveaways!! Can you believe we’re already at day 13?! I always get so bummed with December literally flies by as it’s one of my favorite times of the year.
Today (and every day) couldn’t we all use some CALM in our lives? Not just any kind of calm…Natural Vitality Calm Magnesium!
I use this daily mixed with water to not only to help with being calm but due to the host of benefits magnesium has to offer.
So, what is Natural Calm?
Natural Calm is a fruity fizzy drink powder that promotes healthy magnesium levels and balances calcium intake—helping you to feel less stressed and more relaxed.
They have coined it the “anti-stress drink” for good reason.
To put it simply, there is delicate balance that must be maintained between the levels of magnesium and calcium in your body—especially at a cellular level. For example, calcium makes muscles contract, while magnesium allows them to relax.
The good news is your body knows exactly how to create this balance when it has the right amount of these two fundamental nutrients available.
Natural Vitality states that our bodies were designed to obtain the nutrients we need from the food we eat, including plenty of magnesium but it is said that an estimated 80 percent of people though do not get enough magnesium in our diets, while we often take in an excess of calcium, mainly from dairy products and supplements.
Both high-calcium diets and stress-filled lives deplete the magnesium in our bodies even further which is where Natural Calm can come in to help with this.
I also recently did a big blog post all about Natural Vitality Calm that you can check out here.
Enter below, good luck, & be true to you!
xo Kasey,
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