I have goals to travel the US and host this event in as many high schools as possible…3rd Annual High School #BODYPEACE Workshop!

May 5, 2016 -
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It’s one of my favorite days of my year….the BODYpeace Workshop at my local high school in Pittsburgh where I graduated from.

IMG_1582 3 years ago now (crazy!!) myself, a couple of dedicated students, & amazing teachers put our heads together and created a BODYpeace workshop that includes a “Dear Body” session where we write letters to our bodies and I share my story.


Each girl has the choice to get up and share their letter to their body — I am always blown away by how many girls get up in front of their peers and read.


I hug each and every one of them because I know how much courage it takes to get up and share something so vulnerable.

We then move onto a workout that I lead in the school gymnasium to get our bodies moving!


IMG_1576 followed by a cooking demo and some information on how the students can properly fuel their bodies.


Chia Jam is a crowd favorite so we go with berry jam, Now Foods chia seeds from my friends at Now Foods, & honey. We put it on a rice cake and call it fuel! ;]


I’m thrilled we had our 3rd event this past April 21st and continue to plan for future events.

For me…sharing positive body image, creating a safe place for students to share their stories, & bringing up topics that most young girls feel uncomfortable talking about is something that I am SO SO passionate about doing.

I have goals to travel the US and host this event in as many high schools as possible.

The support from North Hills is amazing & it couldn’t be done without the support and hard work of Amie, Jill, & Jenna — 3 teachers who were my teachers and now I consider amazing friends.

This year my friends at NOW Foods supplied awesome prizes of their whey protein powder (cookies and cream & toffee caramel) the girls can use to make recipes, lip balm, & all natural deodorant.


My friends at VEGA also supplied their protein bars for each girl — SO AWESOME. I am so thankful for these relationships and how they can totally add to the event.


One of my former teachers, Mr. Kasper! So awesome to have so many teachers support for what we do.

Here are some of my awesome strong girls from the day!




I am so thankful to be able to do this event every year. It is my deepest passion to help others with body image, fuel, & fitness — ESPECIALLY our youth!

Even writing this makes me feel on cloud 9 again — a cloud that I’m on every single time I talk about these moments.

I hope you have an amazing day & here’s to year number 4 in the works!

Be true to you,

xo Kasey









Category: Blog

4 responses to “I have goals to travel the US and host this event in as many high schools as possible…3rd Annual High School #BODYPEACE Workshop!”

  1. Cassie says:

    This looks like such a fun event! It’s amazing that so many relationships can help cultivate something so amazing like this!

  2. mamacakes says:

    I have never experienced anything more moving and emotional as Kasey’s workshops at North Hills and her”Dear body” segment. This is something that needs to be shared all over this country. Kasey is just barely scratching the surface of this topic with young women. As her mom, I can only say, after watching this presentation many times, it doesn’t get any easier. The 10+ years that her eating disorders and anxiety issues went on were not an easy time for any of us in her family. However, we all made it through with more awareness, patience and hope! This is not only Kasey’s passion, it is her MINISTRY.

    I had no idea how many women have reached out to her and how many women she has helped and the lives that she has impacted.

    Even though we thought that these were the worst of times, they have turned out to be the best of times for her to help others. Kasey has created awareness and taken action to help the many young women who are struggling with these issues and what we have experienced.

    Kasey, you are my pride and joy and I couldn’t be prouder of what you are doing to help others!

  3. Michelle says:

    This a beautiful idea. I wish that I had something like this back in my high school days – way to give back!

  4. […] a few short weeks I will be traveling home to do my 4th annual BODYpeace Workshop with my Alma Mature high school. Each year we have close to 100 girls join in on the workshop and […]

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