#BODYPEACE is happening!

August 9, 2014 -
9 comments, add yours

After months of writing, editing, brainstorming, & countless hours of writers block – I am SO proud of Heather Waxman & myself for finishing what we started…our 30 Day Guidebook of BODYpeace is finally in it’s last stages before being published! ย And this morning, we DECIDED ON A COVER!! WOO!

For those that don’t know…Heather & I have very similar pasts, yet struggled with eating disorders in different ways.

Whenever we first became internet besties & got to know each other, it was evident that we were meant to help others; together. I am so thankful to have her by my side!

Our stories, however different, still dealt with the same struggle – wanting to find that inner peace within our bodies.

Whenever I was younger, I struggled with this “control” and the way that I felt in control, was manipulating & restricting my food choices & placing food rules with myself. At the age of 11, I dealt with anxiety by restricting. After a few years & many steps towards a more positive approach on how to handle stress, I was at a much better place.

Once college hit, I was again dealing with a lot of scenarios I couldn’t necessarily control, just like any other student. Yet, these old ways of wanting to find this control started to appear again – except this time, self esteem issues coupled with it. This led to doing everything EXCEPT listening to my body, just to look a certain way and not being afraid to restrict myself in order to achieve this “ideal body” I sought so hard after.

On the left, low 1200 calorie diet, hair was thinning and falling out, nails were brittle and bent so easy, I lost my menstrual cycle for months, & almost passed out in class from lack of nutrients – yet, when I looked in the mirror I STILL wasn’t happy with how I looked. I knew this needed to change and the only way to do it was challenge myself, accept that I was struggling, & promise myself to move forward no matter how hard this would be.

Increasing my calories led to more energy, which led to finding my love for fitness & being an ATHLETE again (not just using it as a way to make my appearance change). I was led to my passion to help others, struggling or not, to find their own strength, balance, & ENJOYMENT for fitness & looking to food as FUEL for our bodies. I am here to be honest & share my story as a way to show you that it’s not always a highlight reel.

I AM REAL. I AM ME. I am finding #bodypeace every single day & with our book, we want to help you do the same. You all are amazing & thank you for all of your constant support to help us in our journies as much as we want to help you!

Someone who has stuck by my side through it all has been not only my amazing family & friends, but my Mom.


Today is her birthday and I wanted to tell her a very special “I am so thankful” for all of the support over the years. I really don’t know where I’d be without her to pick me up whenever I was down & to share all of these amazing memories with. Love you, Mamacakes!


Be true to you,

xo Kasey




Category: Blog

9 responses to “#BODYPEACE is happening!”

  1. Sarah H. says:

    I just love you & everything you stand for! You exude positivity & give so much of your time to others! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Wow this is a wonderful post!! I’ve had a very similar past as well. You inspire me daily! #bodypeace!!

  3. Marie says:

    Knowing (by following you for 1,5 year) and being reminded of your story gives me hope! Thank you Kasey, it’s beautiful. And congrats to your lovely powerMOM <3
    Can't wait to get my hands on your book ๐Ÿ™‚

    xoxo Marie

  4. jill conyers says:

    I thought I commented! You’re amazing and I can’t wait to get the book.

  5. sam aaronson says:

    This is incredible! YOU are incredible! i too have struggled with an eating disorder and know how hard it is to find “body peace” and accept your body for what it is and what it can do. I still struggle with this daily. I love how you have such a positive attitude towards it and are truly trying to inspire others to do the same. Ever since i began following your blog i was in love with your quote “Be true to you” : it is something i remind myself every day. Thank you for inspiring others and for showing me and others in the same position that there truly is a light at the end of the tunnel.

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