An Early Friday Favorites – with Air-fried Cauliflower Gnocchi!
November 21, 2018 -
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I’m currently home visiting my family for Thanksgiving. Normally we don’t come back for Thanksgiving and come for Christmas but this year my whole family was going to be in town so I didn’t want to miss it!
I loved seeing the Christmas Tree in the airport when I got in this morning.
Before we get into today’s post — I wanted to recap a few of my favorite things! Y’all know I love my (Friday) Favorites…a few days early.
My babygirl turned a whole 1 year old and I can’t believe it. We got her when she was about 3 months and she was a rescue from Mississippi so we don’t exactly know her actual birthday but the vet had November 2nd — so that’s what we’ll celebrate! ;]
She is just the center of our whole world and we adore this smiley girl.
2) I am an Aunt (x2)!
Corey’s brother Adam and his wife Michelle are the new parents to this adorable baby girl, Lyra Joy.
We traveled to South Carolina to visit with them. Talk about BABY FEVER! Too cute.
3) 2 of my favorite people on this planet got MARRIED!
If you don’t know Danny from my Instagram stories then you must be living under a rock ;] He has his own highlight so go check them out.
Kyle & Danny are both amazing people and I’m lucky to call them more than just clients, but friends.
4) Mamacakes in the house!
My mom & her sister flew to Boston to spend the weekend with Corey & me. We also went to the Boston College vs. Clemson game to see my cousin Kelsi cheer! It’s her Senior Year so it’s awesome to be able to be there for these moments.
alright y’all…I did a thing. A very good thing. I recently bought an air-fryer after hearing all of my clients talk about how much they loves theirs.
I’ve been honestly lacking in the veggie department lately so I thought – well, if I can air-fry veggies in like, 7 minutes, this will help increase my intake!
I ordered this Vanaheim Air Fryer off of amazon & I’m a huge fan!
It’s a game changer! I’ve been eating more veggies due to the convenience of them being so crispy in just 10 minutes!
The other night I was looking through my freezer for a carb to add to dinner & saw the Trader Joe’s Cauliflower Gnocchi that I love, staring back at me. I thought – I can just try this in the Air-fryer? … so I did! And it was magic.
♨️ 400 DEGREES
⏰ 17-20 MINUTES
*I did this batch for 20 minutes & I love the texture.
I just lightly sprayed them with cooking oil & sprinkled with pink salt before frying.
They could be dipped in red sauce or last night, I dipped in honey mustard like a tater tot.
I hope you try these out!
Have an amazing Thanksgiving guys…and remember…ENJOY your time and the food. Don’t stress over calories. Don’t stress over planning. Just be in the moment & enjoy your family, friends, and the flavors that make Thanksgiving day so awesome.
Be true to you,
xo Kasey