Health through the Holidays
November 6, 2019 -
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With the change in the weather, comes a change in people’s thoughts and feelings towards their appearance. I think as we approach the holidays, there are a few ways we can fall into powerful habits, and not extremes.
Mikayla Pasco Photography
When we’re surrounded by crisp air and beautiful foliage, there are so many ways to get outdoors to take a family walk with the pup, get in some steps for the day, take in from fresh air with a side of vitamin-D, and de-stress by having meaningful conversation, listening to a podcast, or just silence.
When I started blogging in 2010 I was deep into competing & focused solely on aesthetics.
I used to think extremes were the only way to see progress.
I chose (keyword) to under-eat & over-exercise as I thought that was the only way I could get & maintain my leanness that I had finally attained.
I never let myself enjoy a piece of pie unless I worked out that day or take a day off from working out that wasn’t scheduled during the holidays.
I fell out of love with fitness & had a horrible relationship with food, but after years of educating myself on how much my body needs & what my body needs to perform at its best as an athlete, I’ve found a good balance for myself that doesn’t involve extremes.
I fuel my body with way more energy (calories) than the 1,200 I used to stick to daily. I don’t track every day but if I had to guess, over ~2200 based on my personal activity, job, age, height, weight, & history.
I don’t punish myself with cardio if I ate something “unhealthy”, I eat food that I enjoy & move on. (This takes a lot of practice for me).
Most of my meals are basic fueling forms of carbohydrates, fats, & proteins but when I want something like wine or ice cream, I no longer feel guilty for eating it.
I train 4-5 days a week & mostly hit the weights (and will get back to that after this wrist injury).
I focus on getting adequate steps throughout the day (10k club over here most days), & don’t abuse cardio like I used to to try and burn calories.
Corey outfit details: Must Haves Badge of Sport Hoodie + Crazylight Shorts
I chose things I enjoy for movement like walking the pup with the hubs, walking with clients,, playing soccer, & teach a high-intensity class 1X a week.
I try and clock 7-9 hours of sleep each night for optimum recovery.
I try and de-stress as much as I can…always working on this one.
Kasey outfit details: Super Star Shoes
These are not just rules for the holiday season, but lessons to live by for myself and remember, especially during this time.
I try to pass these along to my clients as positive HABITS to aim for each day as I know they can get tied up in extremes as well.
During this time of the year it can get enticing to want to be extreme with exercise to combat holiday food choices but if you focus on your powerful habits like eating nutrient dense throughout the day, enjoying that piece of pie you want and just moving forward and being kind to yourself, you’ll have a much more powerful holiday season.
I’ve learned that extremes don’t work because they can’t be sustained before your body says STAWPPP. My body & mind need sleep, movement, calories, strength, love, & happiness to feel whole.
I’d be lying if I said I’m perfect in all these categories, and it takes work EVERY DAY to not let those voices of my old patterns win in my head, but I promise the challenge of facing them is worth it.
Be true to you,
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