My First Vision Board Experience! Life Changer.

February 4, 2015 -
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Vision Boards – have you ever done one? I honestly hadn’t heard of these before until a few years ago, while visiting Heather for the first time, she explained a board that was sitting in her room with Ellen Degenerous right in the middle of it.

I love me some Ellen – so I instantly asked about what this board was created for. It had quotes, words, scenery, & images of people that Heather explained were her visions for the future (as well as one day meeting Ellen herself). A Vision Board is a board where you manifest all of your goals onto one area. This can be any type of background that you wish & with any theme in mind.

My grandpa, aka Pap, who is always looking for ways that we can team up for fun & inspiring things, brought to my attention that friends of ours were hosting a Vision Board workshop. My mom & I jumped on the opportunity to spend a few hours all together – without realizing how much of an impact this workshop would truly have.


We spent a few hours with about 25 others looking through magazines & calendars, cutting out anything that jumped out at us. Our goal with this vision board was to create our visions for 2015. At first, a lot of words caught my attention. If you look in the bottom left of my board, you’ll see words that motivate me like BODYpeace, laugh, blogger, work, growth, ever friends, family, believe, inspiration, & keeping it real.

I then found myself leaning towards images of “LIVE” which quickly became my theme. Living my life, living, share your style, & embrace the unexpected all correlate to how I feel. The bottom right turned into inspirational images of strength, flexibility, happiness, & POWER. The top right turned into foods that fuel not only the body but the mind. I even mentioned to the group at the end whenever we were all presenting our boars that not only do I love me some avocado, but for too long I restricted myself of these nourishing foods all to feed my negative thoughts of an eating disorder.

My top left of the board really hits “home” as I found a microphone & the word “READY” more than once. A huge goal this year is to get out in the public, travel, & speak on BODYpeace with Heather & spread the message. I also am working hard behind the scenes on my new Online True To You Fitness Training Membership at that we are working to launch soon!


Another part that hit “home” was finding “Pittsburgh” followed by an arrow pointing to “I am showing the world I can fly” to symbolize travel & new adventures. These new adventures also lead me to “Love & Compromise” where I will unleash my future with my Fiance, Corey, at the end of May when we finally move in together after 3 years of being a long distance relationship.

Going into this workshop, I didn’t realize truly how much of an impact this would really have on me. Even typing back out my outline of my board gets me SO fired up inside to work harder & focus on making this year amazing.

At the end of the workshop, we had the chance to get up in front of the group & share our visions.


Mamacakes board focused on finally putting herself “first” for once now that her & my Dad will truly be empty-nesters this year. I LOVED hearing her speak about it & it was so empowering.


The other women in the group brought some boards they have already done – all of which were super inspiring.


Then the only man in the group, my Pap!, got up in front of all the Ladies to share his visions.


In his 70’s he continues to set goals, work hard, & help others through his business. Although his board wasn’t complete, his story was awesome.


That smile though? How can you not love it.

Later that night, after feeding the soul & mind, we met some friends for dinner to feed the bod where my “fortune cookie” would cap off this day.


Seaweed salad came first – of course.


Followed by some shrimp, veggies, & rice!

IMG_6557How perfect? The dream is truly within us to make our life how we vision it.

A little hint into GLOW RETREAT happening the weekend of August 7-9 — Katie, Heather, & I will be hosting a Vision Board workshop for all of our attendees! We CANNOT wait & have hopes that embarking on a vision board will bring about motivating change as it did for us.

Have a great day & be true to you,

xo Kasey


Have you ever done a vision board? Share below!!

Category: Blog

2 responses to “My First Vision Board Experience! Life Changer.”

  1. Alicia K says:

    Wow such an awesome project! I cant wait to hear more about glow retreat too as i plan to attend this year 🙂

  2. i Absolultely love this concept you have going here. these vision board s are something that i want to do aat my next family get totether and possibly with my friends. it will be a good way to set some of our heads straight as i know a few of us are very confussed with life at this point .
    thanky ou so much for sharing.

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